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[matlab编程] git-cheatsheet-CN-dark

this book help you quikly understnd the git. this help you learn how to use git.
this book help you quikly understnd the git. this help you learn how to use git. (2016-12-29, Unix_Linux, 733KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] The-Totem-Protocol

扩展的虚拟同步(Extended Virtual Synchrony),也称为 TOTEM 协议 Y. Amir 等,"The Totem Single Ring Ordering and Membership Protocol" L.E. Moser 等,"Extended Virtual Synchrony" Corosync 是 TOTEM 协议的一个开源实现,当前 RedHat 等提供的企业集群使用它作为一致性协议。
扩展的虚拟同步(Extended Virtual Synchrony),也称为 TOTEM 协议 Y. Amir 等,"The Totem Single Ring Ordering and Membership Protocol" L.E. Moser 等,"Extended Virtual Synchrony" Corosync 是 TOTEM 协议的一个开源实现,当前 RedHat 等提供的企业集群使用它作为一致性协议。 (2014-01-30, Unix_Linux, 168KB, 下载5次)
