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[数据结构] emis5

本项目旨在通过一个简化的企业管理信息系统(Enterprise Management Information System, EMIS)项目,使学生在完成对C/C++程序设计语言和基本数据结构与算法课程的学习后,综合运用 所学到的语法和算法知识,构建一个接近实际应用场景的软件系统,以达到复习和巩固前期课程内容 并为后续课程奠定基础的目的。
This project aims through a simplified corporate management information systems (Enterprise Management Information System, EMIS) project, to enable students to learn the the C/C++ programming language and basic data structures and algorithms courses learning, integrated use of knowledge of grammar and algorithms, to build a software system close to the actual application scenarios to review and consolidate the the preliminary course content and the purpose of laying the groundwork for subsequent courses. (2012-10-16, Unix_Linux, 600KB, 下载14次)
