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[Windows编程] fxdomain

从飞翔主机程序第二版中分离出来,可查询 .com/.net/.org/.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn/.tv/.cc/.info/.biz/中文域名/通用网址
Separated the fly host the second edition of the program, you can query .com/.net/.org/.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn/.tv/.cc/.info /. biz/Chinese domain Name/URL universal (2016-03-09, Unix_Linux, 7KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] nommu

Various helper routines and stubs for MMUless SH.cn_proc.h - process events connector.
Various helper routines and stubs for MMUless SH.cn_proc.h - process events connector. (2015-11-04, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] CppStudy

高级C语言和C++语言demo 1.高级C部分包括二级指针、数组指针、链表,都是企业级使用方法 2.C++部分将C++语法做成demo和配套教学文档,帮助迅速入门C++ 3.里面还包含stl-demo、动态库回调函数demo、智能指针等进阶C++的demo
Senior C and C++ language demo 1. Senior C section includes two pointers, arrays, pointers, linked lists, are enterprise-level use 2.C++ part of the C++ syntax made demo and documentation supporting teaching, C++ Getting help quickly 3. which also includes stl-demo, dynamic library callback demo, and other advanced smart pointers in C++ demo (2015-01-30, Unix_Linux, 1627KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] cn_proc

Userspace sends this enum to register with the kernel that it is listening for events on the connector.
Userspace sends this enum to register with the kernel that it is listening for events on the connector. (2015-01-08, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 8_LCD-TEST_ok

‧ (1) 點時脈(DCLK 信號) –DCLK 是整個LCD 工作的基礎。它提供LCD工作的基本時脈。基本 的公式為:DCLK = (HCLK)/((CLKDIV+1)*2) –其中HCLK 是AXI/AHB時脈,CLKDIV 是在LCD 控制暫存器1。 ‧ (2) 水平同步(HSNYC信號) –該信號提供水平方向的圖像同步。該信號出錯會導致輸出水平方 向的問題。 ‧ (3) 水平前廊(HFPD信號) –該信號協助提供水平方向的圖像同步。該信號出錯會導致輸出邊 界和水平方向的圖象大小不正確。波形上它位於水平同步前面。 ‧ (4) 水平後廊(HBPD信號) –該信號協助提供水平方向的圖像同步。該信號出錯會導致輸出邊 界和水平方向的圖象大小不正確。在波形上它位於水平同步後 面。 ‧ (5) 垂直同步(VSNYC信號) –該信號提供垂直方向的圖像同步。該信號出錯會導致輸出垂直方 向的問題。 ‧ (6) 垂直前廊(VFPD信號) –該信號協助提供垂直方向的圖像同步。該信號出錯會導致輸出邊 界和垂直方向的圖象大小不正確。在波形上它位於垂直同步前 面。 ‧ (7) 垂直後廊(VBPD信號)
‧ (1) clock (DCLK signal) point-DCLK is the basis of the entire LCD work. It provides basic LCD clock work. The basic formula is: DCLK = (HCLK)/((CLKDIV+1)* 2)- which HCLK is AXI/AHB clock, CLKDIV in LCD control register 1. ‧ (2) a horizontal synchronization (HSNYC Signal)- provided in the horizontal direction of the image signal is synchronized. The problem with the output signal error will cause the horizontal direction. ‧ (3) the level of the front porch (HFPD signal)- This signal provides assistance horizontal image synchronization. This error will cause the image size signal output boundary and horizontal directions are incorrect. It is located on the waveform horizontal sync front. ‧ (4) the level Gallery (HBPD signal)- This signal provides assistance horizontal image synchronization. This error will cause the image size signal output boundary and horizontal directions are incorrect. It is located on the waveform horizontal sync later. ‧ (5) vertical (2014-09-12, Unix_Linux, 199KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] whmcs_5.2.8_nulled_CN_mtimer

whmcs crack version, which under the webmasters have blessed! No password without authorization! (2014-02-13, Unix_Linux, 11798KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] DUART_mpc83xx_CN

MPC8313 series CPU Chapter 18 on the UART Chinese documents, we hope this people in need can get help (2013-06-10, Unix_Linux, 467KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] redhat_wifi

Used to solve REDHAT6.3 Enterprise Edition notebook Wireless LAN Driver, follow the instructions step-by-step compile and install the last plug-in module, boot automatically start, will be able to solve the wireless Internet (2013-05-18, Unix_Linux, 1106KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] Writing-Clean-Code-cn.pdf.tar

适合在编程中寻找艺术的书籍,很享受,文字版本的 Writing clean code
Find the art in programming books, enjoyed (2012-10-20, Unix_Linux, 577KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] Makefile_cn

makefile 的编写 里面详细 的讲述了编写makefile 的详细过程
makefile book (2012-05-24, Unix_Linux, 992KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] eetop.cn_VSTut

介绍vcs 仿真软件的使用,及该软件的安装步骤及注意事项
useage of vcs in integrated circurt,and the setup of this software (2011-04-14, Unix_Linux, 839KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] ServerManual_cn

Robcup 2D soccer server用户手册,引导仿真组熟悉server平台
Robcup 2D soccer server user manual to guide the simulation group familiar with the server platform (2010-05-30, Unix_Linux, 537KB, 下载101次)


[Windows编程] qweqweqweqwe

一种新的方法,可以自动对两幅图像进行 ·Matlab code for encoding an unwrappi ·冈萨雷斯的经典教材数字图像处理的matl ·Fast Fourier Transform ·《Matlab控制系统与应用实例》一书源码 ·Bayesian Compressed Sensing ·永磁同步电动机的空间矢量控制simulink ·Matlab计算信噪比,单声道,双声道均可
一种新的方法,可以自动对两幅图像进行 ·Matlab code for encoding an unwrappi ·冈萨雷斯的经典教材数字图像处理的matl ·Fast Fourier Transform ·《Matlab控制系统与应用实例》一书源码 ·Bayesian Compressed Sensing ·永磁同步电动机的空间矢量控制simulink ·Matlab计算信噪比,单声道,双声道均可 (2009-04-17, Unix_Linux, 1373KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] MFPDA_E-boys(PC)1.0

minigui PDA系统 可实现手机功能,短信功能,娱乐功能 包括小游戏,播放器
system can achieve minigui PDA mobile phone functions, messaging, entertainment features, including small game, the player (2009-04-07, Unix_Linux, 7471KB, 下载248次)


[Windows编程] softswitch

About Ericsson softswitch MIEP system part of the design documents, have a very high reference value. Worthy of study hard domestic counterparts. (2007-09-29, Unix_Linux, 398KB, 下载36次)


[Windows编程] gracegreener@yahoo.com.cn-KMVXPG-mgis-mgis-1.0

minigui mgis development of the code, PC, maps show (2007-04-17, Unix_Linux, 5892KB, 下载102次)
