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[界面编程] zabbix

zabbix is based on a distributed system monitoring and network monitoring capabilities WEB interface for enterprise-class open source solutions, part of the script contains the installation process (picture), monitored. (2016-06-13, Unix_Linux, 409KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] zabbix_locale_zh_CN

zabbix中文界面汉化修正补丁 使用方法详见压缩包内说明
zabbix Chinese locale fix patch. check readme in package before use it. (2016-01-19, Unix_Linux, 23465KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] wxPython_cn

漂亮的界面是一个GUI程序必不可少的一部分,wxPython可以做到这一 点,加之Python强大的功能和简洁的语法,使用得它在Python的gui中成为一种主流。
Beautiful interface is an essential part of a GUI program, wxPython can do it, coupled with powerful features and simple Python syntax, it must become a mainstream use in the gui in Python. (2015-01-15, Unix_Linux, 3133KB, 下载16次)


[界面编程] gtk_cn

gtk的中文教程,对怎样使用gtk一步步讲起, 适合初学者
gtk Guide to the Chinese, how to use gtk talk of a step, for beginners (2005-12-01, Unix_Linux, 101KB, 下载187次)
