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[传真(Fax)编程] YouCall

悠游寻呼是一个BP机短讯工具,通过它,可以通过网络(不支持代理, 如果您是通过代理上网的,请使用SocksCap之类的工具转换)用来打传呼 哦,目前悠游寻呼支持国信的(126,127,128,198,199,990,1250,280,283 ,286,287,288,289)
悠游Paging is a BP machine SMS tools, which can be through the network (do not support the agent, if you are access to the Internet through a proxy, use the tools SocksCap conversion) is used to play Oh, paging, paging support current悠游State letter (126127128198199990,1250,280283286287288289) (2008-12-11, Unix_Linux, 777KB, 下载1次)
