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[家庭/个人应用] hass-supervisor-cn

WIP 试图解决中国大陆使用 home assistant supervisor 的网络挑战问题
WIP tries to solve the network challenge of using home assistant supervisor in mainland China (2024-01-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[家庭/个人应用] home-assistant-vaillant-plus

Home Assistant custom component for controlling vSmart in Vaillant+ cn app. (2023-12-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[家庭/个人应用] slider-jrrmal

通盈企业全站系统 v2 12 ,系统平台:ASP+ACCESS
Tongying enterprise whole station system v212, system platform: ASP ACCESS (2018-12-19, MultiPlatform, 649KB, 下载0次)


[家庭/个人应用] ACCKSMeasy

System platform: ASP ACCESS web site automatically generated HTML, convenient, easy to use, database records 8000, all for this webmaster personal manual join, mainly to WEB2 0 website, user name: admin password: smsing cn
System platform: ASP ACCESS web site automatically generated HTML, convenient, easy to use, database records 8000, all for this webmaster personal manual join, mainly to WEB2 0 website, user name: admin password: smsing cn (2018-12-19, MultiPlatform, 288KB, 下载1次)


[家庭/个人应用] fqgx517

Okphp BBS v3 1 主要用于建立交流型站点,比如技术支持站点,学术交流站点,娱乐社区等,
Okphp BBS v31 is mainly used to set up communication sites, such as technical support sites, academic exchange sites, entertainment communities, etc. (2018-12-18, PHP-PERL, 454KB, 下载0次)


[家庭/个人应用] 证照之星5.0企业版

证照之星企业版 破解版没有任何限制 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Star Enterprise Edition (2018-07-05, C#, 10111KB, 下载6次)


[家庭/个人应用] WeEngine-Laster-Offline

微云柜代码:放大版的信报箱柜子的管理,用户通过关注平台公众号,实现申请-购买-添加-使用柜子; 使用说明:安装完MeEngine-Laster-Offline后,通过管理员登陆,系统,模块,查找更多模块,微云柜,点击安装
Mijia cabinet (2017-05-01, PHP, 8481KB, 下载1次)


[家庭/个人应用] 103244859caiwuguanlixitong

caiwu (2010-09-14, ASP, 131KB, 下载2次)


[家庭/个人应用] cqcugl

Suitable for small businesses, office of financial management software, without any restrictions. (2010-09-01, Visual C++, 5380KB, 下载14次)


[家庭/个人应用] ssbx

Half of one cent fortune-telling, with RI. Recreational use, do not take it seriously, welcome to download the test to use. (2009-10-29, Others, 6008KB, 下载8次)


[家庭/个人应用] savethemark

This software as a track record of the simulation software, mainly for those who download entertainment purposes, can also be used for schools (2009-01-27, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[家庭/个人应用] NB文章系统

改进及新特性: 1、调整模版编辑时的流程及提示语言 2、新增sitemaps生成功能 3、优化评论页面的显示格式 BUG修正: 1、getarticlelist标签对于现有参数提示错误 2、企业版后台文章管理中查看当日文章错误 3、发布文章时对关键字的长度判断错误 4、编辑投票后前台查看及投票均出错 5、编辑“会员列表”及“图片列表”页模版,提交后
improvements and new features : one, adjusting the template editing process and suggested two languages, the new generation sitemaps three functions, optimizing the comments pages of display format BUG amendments : one, getarticlelist labeling for existing parameters suggest two errors, Enterprise Edition management background article the same day the article View mistake 3, publishing articles on the length of the keyword four errors of judgment, editing prospects look after voting and vote were five errors, edit "Member List" and "Photo List" page templates submitted (2005-12-16, ASP, 2392KB, 下载3次)


[家庭/个人应用] dqusradio

为适应网络媒体的发展,满足人们娱乐生活的需要,本系统应用JSP、flashMX2004软件结合flash communication server服务,设计适合大众的视频电台。
to adapt to the development of the online media, entertainment meet the daily needs of the application JSP, flashMX2004 software integration services flash communication server, designed for the video public radio. (2005-09-22, Java, 1356KB, 下载25次)


[家庭/个人应用] 房屋分配

a small allocation procedures suitable for general distribution enterprises of Housing Application (2005-03-18, Visual Basic, 26KB, 下载9次)
