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[Ajax] mdchawismelevator

这是一个企业的定货系统,是用Java编写的, 工具平台是Java Build (2018-06-01, Java, 83KB, 下载0次)


[Ajax] okey

这是一个企业的定货系统,是用Java编写的, 工具平台是Java Build (2018-02-01, Java, 83KB, 下载1次)


[Ajax] jQueryValidation

jQuery Validation表单验证插件实例大全,是锋利的JQuery第七章中的一个典型实例,一步步向大家讲解如何使用基于jQuery的表单验证插件jquery.validate.js和jquery.validate.messages_cn.js的使用方法,一共包含了7个盒子,功能慢慢的复杂,最后实现一个兼容性完美的Ajax表单验证程序,适时给出表单输入的正确与否,并给出中文的错误提示,本套实例的对于学习jQuery参考价值极高。
jQuery Validation Form Validation plugin instance Guinness, is sharp JQuery Chapter VII a typical example, she keeps you on how to use the validation plugin jquery.validate.js and use jquery.validate.messages_cn.js jQuery-based forms , contains a total of seven boxes, functional complexity slowly, and finally achieve a perfect compatibility Ajax form validation procedures, timely give the correct form input or not, and gives an error message in Chinese, this set of examples for learning jQuery reference high value. (2014-11-03, Java, 29KB, 下载3次)


[Ajax] AjaxTest

ajax 测试例子 仅供参考ajax 测试例子 仅供参考
搜索 图片 地图 新闻 云端硬盘 日历 翻译 相册 更多 ▼ 翻译 英语 中文 德语 检测语言 中文(简体) 英语 日语 ajax 测试例子 仅供参考 ajax test case for reference only. Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察 关闭即时翻译关于 Google 翻译移动隐私权政策帮助发送反馈 ajax demo for leaning ajax demo for leaning (2013-12-19, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Ajax] EQ

This system is mainly designed for internal communications, it is simple and convenient operation, simple and beautiful interface easier access to corporate public resources timely public information display companies in the communications window to display each other s IP information LAN users automatically search system operation stable, safe and reliable. (2013-08-29, Java, 349KB, 下载2次)


[Ajax] AJAX-In-Action(cn)

nothing to describe , nothing !
nothing to describe , nothing ! (2013-03-26, Java, 2431KB, 下载1次)


[Ajax] JQueryPRIA

dwz4j企业级Java Web快速开发框架 + DWZ富客户端框架,加入所有外部包,可以正常运行。
dwz4j enterprise-class Java Web development framework the+ DWZ rich client framework, all external package can run properly. (2013-02-26, Java, 1756KB, 下载24次)


[Ajax] microerp-0.1

miro ERP system,based on j2ee framework,ajax+struts (2012-03-11, Java, 4555KB, 下载8次)


[Ajax] JSG.ImageUploader.zh-cn

一個jquery的多圖檔上傳範例~非常實用~ (使用 jquery core, jquery form)
A jquery example of multi-image file upload ~ ~ very practical (using jquery core, jquery form) (2011-11-04, JavaScript, 80KB, 下载15次)


[Ajax] mootools_doc1.2_cn_1.0

ajax (2010-12-09, Java, 260KB, 下载6次)


[Ajax] jquery-1.2.6-vsdoc-cn.js

AJAX的最近开发包,里面包含中文注释。 目前网络上最新的。
AJAX recent development kit, which contains Chinese translations. Currently the network to date. (2010-10-12, PHP, 46KB, 下载11次)


[Ajax] jquery-easyui-1.1

jquery easyui 我最常用这个,供大家分享,也可以上官网下载
jquery easyui I am most commonly used this for people to share, you can also download Shangguan Network (2010-06-23, Java, 296KB, 下载16次)


[Ajax] 2007_03_23_AJAX_Portlets_in_IBM_WebSphere

Ajax 有用的资料 对于Ajax实际的学习和企业运用很有帮助
Ajax useful information for practical learning and enterprise Ajax application helpful (2009-12-30, Java, 2527KB, 下载2次)


[Ajax] j1321

俄罗斯方块JAVA编写 功能齐全,可以拿来学校,也可以拿来娱乐。
The preparation of a full-featured Tetris JAVA can be brought schools and can also be intended for entertainment. (2009-12-22, Java, 14KB, 下载110次)


[Ajax] js4

use ajax to achieve user register (2009-12-15, Java, 13KB, 下载3次)


[Ajax] Smilcq

封装彩信成smil,定时发送彩信,存储过程 上传文件封装成smil
Package MMS into smil, from time to time to send MMS, stored procedures, upload files packaged into a smil (2009-10-27, Java, 180KB, 下载26次)


[Ajax] www.NetJava.cn

蓝杰网(www.NetJava.cn)源码 EXT
蓝杰网(www.NetJava.cn)源码 (2009-06-09, Java, 3681KB, 下载20次)


[Ajax] aybook.cn_javscrthede0117

JavaScrit 的学习资料,包含了Ajax的学习和应用。
JavaScrit the study data, including the Ajax of the study and application. (2009-03-22, JavaScript, 2238KB, 下载59次)


[Ajax] HumanResourceManSys

人力资源管理系统,主要用于企业的人事信息管理,考勤管理,招聘管理,培训管理,薪酬管理,绩效管理。涉及到的业务主要有人事档案信息的添加删除和查看,人员调动管理,员工的考勤管理,员工的招聘,员工的绩效评估,薪酬计算和培训跟踪。采用Java平台,并且采用B/S模式应用, 框架与技术的选择:Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax。
Human resources management system, mainly for the personnel information management, attendance management, recruitment management, training management, remuneration management, performance management. Involved in the business are mainly personnel file information to add delete and view, mobility management, employee attendance management, staff recruitment, staff performance evaluation, salary and training track. The use of Java platform, and the use of B/S mode applications, frameworks and technology choice: Struts+ Hibernate+ Spring+ Ajax. (2008-11-26, Java, 38610KB, 下载967次)


[Ajax] javaDrpxt

DRP system java source code of large enterprises with sql database (2008-08-27, Java, 7990KB, 下载12次)
