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[芯片资料] VK1621S-1_V1.3-CN

产品型号:VK1621S-1 产品品牌:永嘉微电/VINKA 封装形式:LQFP44/48 SSOP48 SKY28 DICE 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:陈先生 联 系 QQ:3618885898 联系手机:18824662436 原厂直销,工程服务,技术支持,价格最具优势! VK1621S-1概述: VK1621是一个点阵式存储映射的LCD驱动器,可支持最大128点(32SEGx4 (2022-04-02, C51, 4301KB, 下载0次)


[芯片资料] ATT7022B_cn%20user%20manual

ATT7022 is a high-precision three-phase power metering chip, suitable for three-phase three wire and three-phase four wire applications (2021-01-21, PDF, 734KB, 下载0次)


[芯片资料] M01030_VGM128032A8W01_A01

维信诺M01030_VGM128032A8W01_A01 OLED显示模组技术资料,包含CAD格式外形图纸以及电子技术文档
Technical data of vicino M01030_VGM128032A8W01_A01 OLED display module,including outline drawings in CAD format and electronic technical documents. (2020-05-07, C/C++, 1459KB, 下载0次)


[芯片资料] esp32_bluetooth_architecture_cn

ESP32 蓝牙介绍。蓝牙可分为控制器? (Controller) 和主机 (Host) 两大部分:控制器包括了PHY、Baseband、Link Controller、Link Manager、Device Manager、HCI 等模块,用于硬件接口管理理、链路路管理理等等;主机则包括了了 L2CAP、SMP、SDP、ATT、GATT、GAP 以及各种规范,构建了了向应?用层提供接口的基础,方便便应?用层对蓝牙系统的访问。主机可以与控制器运行在同一个宿主上,也可以分布在不同的宿主上。
ESP32 Bluetooth introduction. Bluetooth can be divided into two parts: controller (Controller) and host (Host). The controller includes PHY, Baseband, Link Controller, Link Manager, Device Manager, HCI and so on. The specification provides the basis for providing interface between the user interface and the user interface to facilitate access to Bluetooth system. The host can be carried on the same host with the controller, and can also be distributed on different hosts. (2018-05-17, PDF, 1016KB, 下载5次)


[芯片资料] GD32F10x_User_Manual_CN_V2.0

GD32fxx series of programming data, based on the development and application of MDK, can meet the needs of the majority of learning enthusiasts (2017-11-21, MDK, 8893KB, 下载15次)


[芯片资料] 13_RM_CN

XMC1000单片机家族使当前的8位用户有机会享受32位性能,而无需在价格或易用性方面付出代价。XMC1000将ARM? Cortex?-M0内核与尖端的65nm制程技术结合在一起,克 服了当今8位设计的限制。英飞凌arm芯片 32位XC1300中文手册,中文资料
The XMC1000 family makes the current 8 users have the opportunity to enjoy 32 bit performance without paying for the price or ease of use. XMC1000 65nm process technology ARM Cortex -M0 kernel and tip together to overcome the limitations of the design 8. Infineon ARM chip 32 bit XC1300 Chinese manual, Chinese data (2017-11-18, C/C++, 10140KB, 下载3次)
