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A recreation of the you are an idiot virus. (2024-03-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] playwk

一种非破坏性病毒,由真正的kwellercat制造,用于娱乐。这是一个windowkill 2挑战,它让你玩游戏5分钟,然后让你关闭它。
A non-destructive virus, made by real-kwellercat for fun. It s a windowkill 2 challenge, which makes you play the game for 5 minutes and then lets you close it. (2024-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] print-malware

Print Malware是一个有趣的项目,它向打印机发送友好的以猫为主题的消息。它是无害的,并且是为娱乐而设计的。
Print Malware is a playful project that sends friendly cat-themed messages to your printer. It s harmless and designed for fun. (2024-01-11, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] Virus-SystummDestroy

This repository contains malware/trojans/ransomwares etc. which are made only for fun and educational purposes. You should not use any of these files for any unethical practices or against people i.e. cyber crimes. I shall not be responsible for any damage that may happen, Use with precaution and safety... (2023-12-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] EzMalware-lib

This repository can be cloned and downloaded for helping in the development of viruses *for fun and educational purposes*. using Python. (2023-12-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] Trojanizing-Android-Apps

Project 5x: Adding a Keylogger Trojan to the Citi Mobile CN Android App (15 pts.)
Project 5x: Adding a Keylogger Trojan to the Citi Mobile CN Android App (15 pts.) (2017-05-15, Java, 1030KB, 下载1次)


[杀毒] MAC-8111C

欢迎您光临BIOS之家 希望我们所做的,正是你所需要的 网站内容包括:BIOS基础知识、升级、修改、维护等。 网站服务包括:代写主板BIOS、维修主板、提供有关BIOS方面维修服务。 网站产品包括:BIOS编程器、主板侦错卡、双BIOS系统、硬盘还原卡、各型BIOS芯片。 MY E-MIAL:wmlijun@163.com 网 址:www.bios.net.cn
1. Incresing serial number by one only when the EEPROM is programmed successfully. 2. initialize 93C46 Command. 3. Set new Phy parameters. 4. Update NODEID at MAC I/O register IDR0~IDR5. 5. Detect ID Code "8129H" from map file. 6. Check Hardwarw vender ID. (2013-01-15, DOS, 51KB, 下载6次)


[杀毒] JAV_AntiVi22152711222011

A simple antivirus try and modified
A simple antivirus try and modified (2012-01-08, Visual Basic, 401KB, 下载10次)


[杀毒] winlog

说明:此文件只供研究使用,请勿使用于违法中,源码请勿修改 ,生成后保持原大小,修改后文件大小改变的话里面有些代码需要改变。 之中有不懂的地方可以问我,网站:www.9asky.cn,QQ:327710978,QQ群 :33920808。主要实现功能:1.感染EXE2.U盘传播3.文件关联,磁盘打开 方式修改4.自动关闭有关杀毒软件之类的网页和注册表之类
Description: This document is for research use, please do not use in the law, the source Do not modify, after generation to maintain the original size, the modified file size changed, then there need to change some code. Among the places do not know can ask me, the website: www.9asky.cn, QQ: 327710978, QQ Group: 33920808. Main functions: 1. EXE2.U plate spread of infection 3. File association, open the disk to modify 4. Automatically close on the antivirus software such as Web pages and such registry (2008-11-22, Visual Basic, 13KB, 下载10次)


[杀毒] Pckv

Written by a bovine anti-virus software, there are enterprise applications, and all the asm, top programs call (2007-11-28, Asm, 446KB, 下载72次)
