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[扫描程序] AT89C2051_cn

51LIB RAY B,OOK KUIOPP[LLKHHHJ HJKJKJKJHB,KKJHHNN. (2017-05-11, C++ Builder, 285KB, 下载1次)


[扫描程序] scanner

Scan是国内最著名的综合扫描器之一,它完全免费,是不需要安装的绿色软件、界面支持中文和英文两种语言、包括图形界面和命令行方式。主要由国内著名的民间黑客组织“安全焦点”完成,从2000年的内部测试版X-Scan V0.2到目前的最新版本X-Scan 3.3-cn都凝聚了国内众多黑客的心血。最值得一提的是,X-Scan把扫描报告和安全焦点网站相连接,对扫描到的每个漏洞进行“风险等级”评估,并提供漏洞描述、漏洞溢出程序,方便网管测试、修补漏洞.
Scan is one of the most famous integrated scanner, it is completely free of charge, does not require installation of green software, the interface supports both Chinese and English languages, including graphical and command line mode. Mainly by domestic famous folk hacker organization " Security Focus" to complete, from 2000 to internal beta X-Scan V0.2 to present the latest version of X-Scan 3.3-cn embodied the hard work of many domestic hackers. Most noteworthy is that, X-Scan to scan reports and security focus sites are connected to each vulnerability scan a " level of risk" assessment and provide loopholes description overflow vulnerability procedures to facilitate network management testing, patching vulnerabilities. (2013-06-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载11次)


[扫描程序] X-Scan-v3.3-cn

The network tools scan tool, the tool can scan ports and vulnerabilities, powerful (2013-05-16, Visual C++, 9520KB, 下载16次)


[扫描程序] SWifiScanner-c

Scan for wireless local area network to provide the AP information on interest rates, to achieve access to the network (2012-08-14, Visual C++, 801KB, 下载7次)


[扫描程序] QQabc

qq扫信源码 好用的扫信源码 qq扫描源码
sweep letter source qq qq sweep letter source easy to use scanning source (2012-06-04, Delphi, 193KB, 下载13次)


[扫描程序] Portscan

“端口扫描“通常指用同一信息对目标计算机的所有所需扫描的端口进行发送,然后根据返回端口状态来分析目标计算机的端口是否打开、是否可用。“端口扫描“行为的一个重要特征是:在短时期内有很多来自相同的信源地址传向不同的目的地端口的包。 改程序就是实现tcp扫描远程计算机端口。
"Port scan" usually refers to the same information required on the target computer scan of all ports for transmission, and then return to the port state to analyze the target computer s port is open, is available. "Port scan" behavior is an important feature: in the short term, many from the same source address of transfer to a different destination port of the package. Reform program is to achieve the tcp port scan a remote computer. (2010-04-26, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载5次)
