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按分类查找All DirextX编程(21) 

[DirextX编程] Directx8-Cn-En-Ebook-and-source-code

DirectX 8.0 的中英文教程 包含工程源码
DirectX 8.0 Ebook include chinese and English and the include the source code (2016-07-20, Visual C++, 2649KB, 下载1次)


[DirextX编程] tdx_dll

Tongda letter latest interface development data, carried out in accordance with the information about development and use in the latest TDX software available (2016-04-29, Visual C++, 87KB, 下载25次)


[DirextX编程] aybook.cn_hudicjuemshice1101

幕保护 DirextX编程 进程与线程 控制台编程 文件操作 打印编程 多显示器编程 DNA 其他小程序
fdsaf fdasf fdsafds fdsaf faf ffdsaf dafdsa fdsa fd fds fdsa fdas fdqfda fdasfdsa fafds fdafdf fdas fdas fdas fdq fd (2013-06-18, Java, 63KB, 下载2次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX-9.0C-SDK-cn

DX9.0c SDK中文版 给学习DX的人
DX9.0c SDK for Study (2013-05-01, Windows_Unix, 1496KB, 下载8次)


[DirextX编程] 3D

3D car racing, powerful functions to simulate the actual scene, so that the player immersive, highly entertaining! (2012-06-19, Windows_Unix, 719KB, 下载8次)


[DirextX编程] MagicPCube

这是自己用directX写的一个魔方的小程序(环境是windows XP,VS2005),是我第一次这种程序,不免写的有点儿不好,如果有什么建议可发到我的邮箱yanglp20005@163.com,谢谢!会在blog里简单介绍一下,呵呵!http://blog.sina.com.cn/yanglp0023
DirectX write a cube applet (the environment is windows XP, VS2005) is my first time such a procedure can not help but write a little bad, if you have any suggestions can be sent to my mailbox yanglp20005 @ 163 com, Thank you! Will briefly explain in your blog, huh, huh! http://blog.sina.com.cn/yanglp0023 (2012-05-23, Visual C++, 744KB, 下载11次)


[DirextX编程] AviWriter

编译环境vs2008+opencv2.0+DirectShow。 将摄像头采集到的图像写入到avi文件中,也可以将avi文件中的帧图像写入到avi文件中。视频帧图像的来源取决于运行时输入的参数的数量。 ps:directshow可以在http://www.opencv.org.cn/下载
Environment:vs2008+opencv2.0+DirectShow Detail: capture frame from camera or avi files,then write image to target files. Where to load image is decided by the number of the args. PS:if you want to download DirectShow, you can surf http://www.opencv.org.cn/ (2012-04-07, C++, 1KB, 下载23次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX9_SDK_CN

Chinese version of DirectX9 to explain all aspects of DirectX for beginners. (2011-10-08, C/C++, 1404KB, 下载39次)


[DirextX编程] sf_20069181627

渣打、博世、中萃、辉瑞、网易、TNT本周联合招聘实习生并接受简历推荐 以下企业已加盟“实习51”活动,并重点在本周进行招聘。童鞋们在活动页面报名后,只需通过初步简历筛选,即可由前程无忧将你的简历推荐给这些企业实习岗位。 据调查,推荐简历的面试...
Rich merchants (2011-05-12, Visual C++, 155KB, 下载3次)


[DirextX编程] DirectSound_CN

DirectSound开发指南中文版本 智慧的鱼
DirectSound (2010-01-29, Visual C++, 289KB, 下载30次)


[DirextX编程] directshow

But this code without parallel in history to those who, priceless, not to be missed (2009-07-20, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载8次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX_API_CN

DirectX 中文文档 PDF格式 清晰完整版 保护DirectX 全部API。。。。
DirectX Chinese PDF format document to protect the full version of DirectX clear all the API. . . . (2009-06-27, Visual C++, 1496KB, 下载314次)


[DirextX编程] aybook.cn_winudsjycisbude0825

Master Windows game programming skills, Directx Tutorial (2009-05-17, Visual C++, 5530KB, 下载20次)


[DirextX编程] Bin

A high degree of imitation copy of the game永夜Oriental Dome, with VC++ and DirectX development (2009-04-20, Visual C++, 4184KB, 下载47次)


[DirextX编程] hge_render_cn

HGE Chinese display solutions, you can choose the font can also change the size of vector and bitmap rendering (2008-08-28, Visual C++, 3059KB, 下载149次)


[DirextX编程] aybook.cn_direswjx1103

DirectShow Development Guide, directshow pragmatic electronic version of Featured (2007-12-03, Visual C++, 7302KB, 下载73次)


[DirextX编程] DirectXSDK_VisualC++_game_desing

基于DirectX(SDK)的Visual C++游戏设计 电脑游戏经过短短30年的发展,已经成为影响公众生活,改变公众娱乐方式的重要产业。过去,人们主要是借助电影、电视、音乐等方式来娱乐。而今天,以游戏为代表的电子娱乐正在成为主流娱乐方式。游戏也正在迅速成长为一个庞大的产业。Microsoft Direct X(SDK)是一个基于COM技术的多媒体应用程序开发工具包,它代表了未来多媒体应用程序的开发方向。本文详细介绍了游戏设计基本概念和 Direct X 的构架,包括DirectDraw、Direct 3D、DirectSound,并在 Visual C++6.0环境下使用Direct X(SDK)开发多媒体游戏作为本论文的实例 (2007-09-22, Visual C++, 702KB, 下载118次)


[DirextX编程] Capture_in_Directshow_Opencv

and directshow between Video Capture and convert openc v iplimage can recognize the format of the code, which included a three procedures ARFrameGrabber.cpp, ARFrameGrabber.h. main.cpp hopeful that the next bar, the problem can be used to write linaian2005@sina.com.cn (2007-05-16, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载112次)


[DirextX编程] AutoGXei

偿吉 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺?ゼ?奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺?ゼ?奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺偿吉 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺
compensation Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in the in the way of it in the January 1 to the difficulties in the city to seize the opportunity to Kyrgyzstan in compensation in the way of it are in the January 1 to the difficulties in to seize the city (2006-04-09, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载2次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX cn

Directx 9 中文手册 翻译于2001年
DirectX 9 manual translation from the Chinese in 2001 (2005-12-23, Visual C++, 162KB, 下载102次)
