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[网址推荐] 企业门户网站后台模板

Enterprise portal background template
Enterprise portal background template (2018-04-24, PHP, 206KB, 下载12次)


[网址推荐] wp-autopost-pro

Plugin for autopost wp
Plugin for autopost wp (2017-11-22, PHP, 1946KB, 下载14次)


[网址推荐] 222888

CMS enterprise building system uses ACCESS database, convenient operation and highly developed content and knowledge management system, applicable to small and medium enterprises website. Enterprise site support system fully supports upload pictures, watermarks, online mail notification and other powerful component functions, but also supports the column two classification, so that your product or news management easier. VTech CMS enterprise management system 1.7.2 update log: 2017-06-15 enhanced file filtering.
CMS enterprise building system uses ACCESS database, convenient operation and highly developed content and knowledge management system, applicable to small and medium enterprises website. Enterprise site support system fully supports upload pictures, watermarks, online mail notification and other powerful component functions, but also supports the column two classification, so that your product or news management easier. VTech CMS enterprise management system 1.7.2 update log: 2017-06-15 enhanced file filtering. (2017-07-08, ASP, 3148KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] 556

Full screen big picture, HTML enterprise website (PC+ mobile phone + WeChat) is developed in response to asp+access full screen enterprise website. Program features: 1: make search engines easier to capture and index two: to provide more functions, improve the user's friendly experience three: usability improvement, improve the user's friendly experience How to use: upload files to ASP space only, run http://, and install your domain name /install.asp. It only takes two steps to complete. In order to ensure the security of the website, please change the default background path and database name.
Full screen big picture, HTML enterprise website (PC+ mobile phone + WeChat) is developed in response to asp+access full screen enterprise website. Program features: 1: make search engines easier to capture and index two: to provide more functions, improve the user's friendly experience three: usability improvement, improve the user's friendly experience How to use: upload files to ASP space only, run http://, and install your domain name /install.asp. It only takes two steps to complete. In order to ensure the security of the website, please change the default background path and database name. (2017-07-08, ASP, 11306KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] 667

Installation method Installation method: after decompression, the contents of wwwroot (instead of wwwroot to select the directory itself) uploaded to the asp space (the root directory must be the root directory), you can. Background management address: http://, your site domain name /system user name: admin Password: admin
Installation method Installation method: after decompression, the contents of wwwroot (instead of wwwroot to select the directory itself) uploaded to the asp space (the root directory must be the root directory), you can. Background management address: http://, your site domain name /system user name: admin Password: admin (2017-07-08, ASP, 8341KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] 112

The main functions of the background are as follows: First, the basic settings of the site; two, enterprise information; three, product management; four, order management; five, Download Center; six, navigation management; Seven, news management; eight, message management; nine, honorary management; ten, talent management; eleven, marketing network; twelve, column management; Thirteen, the site of the British and English static page generation; fourteen, friendship link; fifteen, template management.
The main functions of the background are as follows: First, the basic settings of the site; two, enterprise information; three, product management; four, order management; five, Download Center; six, navigation management; Seven, news management; eight, message management; nine, honorary management; ten, talent management; eleven, marketing network; twelve, column management; Thirteen, the site of the British and English static page generation; fourteen, friendship link; fifteen, template management. (2017-07-08, ASP, 6827KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] 443

Enterprise website management system has a powerful system, propagation of arbitrary switching support, with articles / news, pictures / products, download resources, talent recruitment, order system, QA / message, Links, advertising system, custom models, polls and many other rich function model.
Enterprise website management system has a powerful system, propagation of arbitrary switching support, with articles / news, pictures / products, download resources, talent recruitment, order system, QA / message, Links, advertising system, custom models, polls and many other rich function model. (2017-07-08, ASP, 1738KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] 555

First, the basic settings of the site; two, enterprise information; three, product management; four, order management; five, Download Center; six, navigation management; Seven, news management; eight, message management; nine, honorary management; ten, talent management; eleven, marketing network; twelve, column management; Thirteen, the site of the British and English static page generation; fourteen, friendship link; fifteen, template management.
First, the basic settings of the site; two, enterprise information; three, product management; four, order management; five, Download Center; six, navigation management; Seven, news management; eight, message management; nine, honorary management; ten, talent management; eleven, marketing network; twelve, column management; Thirteen, the site of the British and English static page generation; fourteen, friendship link; fifteen, template management. (2017-07-08, ASP, 7080KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] shiliwcn

Vision Point Wang whole picture: http://www.shiliw.cn (2008-10-31, PHP, 7544KB, 下载244次)


[网址推荐] xinyang

joekoe cms 1.2官方版为核心的热线版本,包括新闻、信阳、女性、母婴、 生活、房产、 服装、学习、 文学、 笑林、 解梦、 动画、 图片、 酷站、人才、 二手、 商城、 下载、 黄页、 房源、音乐、 电影、 娱乐、 游戏、推荐、聊天、日记、留言、论坛等29个栏目。 默认的管理员用户名是:admin ,密码和验证码都是cn0376
joekoe 1.2 cms official version of the core version of the hotline, including news, Xinyang, women, maternal and child. living, real estate, clothing, learning, literature, Jokes, explain it, animation, photographs, Kuzhan, talent, and the secondary, a mall, download, Yellow Pages, the housing stock, music, film, entertainment, games and recommendation, chat, diary, voice mail, Forum 29 columns. The default administrator user name is : admin, password and authentication code are cn0376 (2006-11-12, ASP, 6026KB, 下载249次)


[网址推荐] asp_qyxsglxt

asp sales management system. I have offered, and a very good website. (2006-09-06, ASP, 676KB, 下载70次)


[网址推荐] wanwbo

万博中小企业网站 3 可惜没有多语版的 谁有 上传来吧
Huambo SME website three Unfortunately, the multi-language version of Barber who has Upload (2006-08-24, JavaScript, 2147KB, 下载3次)


[网址推荐] cms1.2Shop2005

乔客商城 单独 可用 须设置 已测试
Qiao off mall alone can be used to be provided have tested (2006-08-24, Visual Basic, 2305KB, 下载8次)


[网址推荐] 20060428133826486

very good computer programming. . . If you are interested in the landing can Http :// www.jc8.cn opportunity to be missed (2006-08-22, Others, 1090KB, 下载2次)


[网址推荐] website01

深圳百搜酷企业(公司)网站管理系统(最全面最完善的管理系统) 下载试用地址:http://www.buysoco.com/website.rar
Shenzhen 100 Soku enterprises (companies) website management system (the most comprehensive and complete management system) addresses download trial : http://www.buysoco.com/website.rar (2006-08-15, ASP, 2069KB, 下载183次)


[网址推荐] bolo-cn

上海宝路卫浴陶瓷有限公司全功能版。 好不容易搞到的。
Shanghai Po bathroom ceramics Limited functional version. Finally got the. Ha ha (2006-08-13, ASP, 6256KB, 下载20次)


[网址推荐] commerce

e-commerce system, which is in Jilin Province tomorrow Technology Development Limited, the principal purpose is to promote the Web site through the Internet business products and services, the clients can always understand the enterprises and products, to provide customers with online services and order processing functions. Terms of products and services not only to the promotion, but through the Internet, internal network (Intranet) and the external network (Extranet), buyers and sellers, vendors and partners in a closely integrated together, thus eliminating the time and space of obstacles. Content : Home prospects, Member Login, Member revised information, search goods, buying merchandise to checkout settle accounts, emptied Cart, For inquiries, orders, sales and the largest mall annou (2006-08-04, Java, 5423KB, 下载89次)


[网址推荐] asp_CMS

This is a very applicable to the establishment of the station source, suitable for large and medium-sized enterprises websites, personal websites. online merchandise integration. Structural integrity of the background to the establishment of the station you easily save valuable time. A word, as long as you typed, will be built web site, a source for future exquisite template. Background users Password : admin (2006-07-28, ASP, 4349KB, 下载395次)


[网址推荐] OKCompanyWeb

This is a fully functional business website system, multifunctional not miss (2006-05-21, C#, 2814KB, 下载402次)


[网址推荐] v6798_clplaymtv010

a photocopy entertainment source (2005-01-15, Asm, 941KB, 下载429次)
