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按分类查找All Pascal/Delphi编程(2) 
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[Pascal/Delphi编程] Mooc-and-more

Learning Notes of Moke.com (2021-06-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] JHotDraw_5_3

用Java语言开发时,需要编制大量的界面布局、事 件处理等代码,网管软件开发的主要工作量就集中在此。制作一个类似于Delphi、JBuil der等可视化开发工具的对象查看器的参数配置控件用于项目的优点是显而易见的: 1、界面显得很专业; 2、容易做到使整个系统的风格趋于一致; 3、使用灵活,代码量大大减小;
Java language development, the need for the preparation of a large number of interface layout, event handling code, network management software development workload on the main focus here. Making a similar Delphi, JBuil der other visual development tools targeted to the viewer configuration parameters for the control advantages are obvious : 1, the interface is very professional; 2, easy to do the whole system into line style; 3, the use of flexible, large code large decreases; (2006-03-25, Java, 2062KB, 下载18次)
