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[行业发展研究] Student-Job

目前,Internet服务大体可以分为信息服务、商务服务、合作服务等,而就业求职网系统就是Internet服务中的一员,它使很多人不必去拥挤的招聘会就能找到理想的工作。吉林化工学院大学生求职信息网系统是基于目前流行的JSP技术实现与规划的,采用JSP+JavaBean的开发模式,以Microsoft SQL Server 2005 作为后台数据库的开发工具。
Today the Internet service can be divided into the information service, business service, cooperating service and so on. The website which gets employed and seeks employment is one of the services that can make so many people found jobs, and don’t join crowded Employment advertise meeting.Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology Students Job Information Network according to currently popular technique of JSP implementation and planning, adopting JSP+JavaBean development mode, with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 be the backstage database development tool. (2013-06-17, Java, 396KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] Java.biyeshejijiaoxueguanli

J2EE technology is undoubtedly one of today' s Internet applications, the best technical solution around J2EE technology applications, also generated a lot of Web development framework, the development framework of the middle layer, data layer development framework, which greatly improved the J2EE technology easy [1]. This paper describes the J2EE related technologies, Servlet, JSP, Struts, Hibernate, completed a Web-based teaching management system and use these technologies. (2013-03-22, Java, 1231KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Androidliumeiti

随着移动通信技术和多媒体技术的迅速发展,融合手机、网络、多媒体技术 为一体的视频监控技术也有了长足的进步,通过移动通信网络提供流媒体服务已 经成为可能。全球移动用户数非常庞大,因此移动流媒体服务具有巨大的市场潜 力,也正成为移动业务的研究热点之一。在这一背景下,针对移动网络和移动终 端的特点,提出移动流媒体客户端的解决方案很有现实意义。
With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and multimedia technology, the integration of mobile phones, network, multimedia technology for integrated video surveillance technology has made substantial progress, it has become possible to provide streaming services through the mobile communication network. The very large number of mobile subscribers worldwide, mobile streaming service has huge market potential, the mobile business is becoming one of the hot spots. In this context, the characteristics of the mobile network and mobile terminal, very practical significance of the proposed solutions for mobile streaming client. (2013-03-12, Java, 265KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] secdoctor2011_7_2

Ph.D. from the China Information Security Network (www.secdoctor.com) China Information Security industry sponsored electronic publication " Safety Weekly" on April 6, 2010 announced the official opening of on-line! " Security Weekly" not only played a large amount of information, update speed, ease of reading and other characteristics of electronic publications, but also through the perspective of the information security industry hot spot, tracking the focus of media attention, brought together experts in assessment highlights, will give the industry the latest information. This release is the " security weekly," the second phase. (2011-08-01, Java, 3670KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Compiere-sim

Compiere sinified documentation, and the Chinese used together packets zh_cn.zip (2006-05-06, Java, 62KB, 下载12次)
