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按分类查找All 百货/超市行业(14) 
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[百货/超市行业] shopxx-3.0RELEASE

网上商城 shopxx 3.0 学习必备 非常好的哦
U7F51 u4E0A u5546 u57CE shopxx 3.0 u5B66 u4E60 u5FC5 u5907 u975E u5E38 u597D u7684 u54E6 (2017-05-25, Java, 35424KB, 下载23次)


[百货/超市行业] chaoshi

Supermarket cash register system, you can add members themselves, add their own goods, there checkout and summary functions (2013-12-13, Java, 2KB, 下载2次)


[百货/超市行业] shoppingsystem

a) 参考当当网http://www.dangdang.com。用户注册后可以购买产品,提供购物车功能,用户在购物结账时计算购物车中商品信息,生成订单(订单信息包括订单号,用户,所购商品列表,送货地址,联系方式等信息) b) 管理员可查看订单,并按照订单发货,更改订单状态(未处理,正在处理,已发货,结束等),用户也可以查看自己所有的订单状态。 c) 用户可按条件(类别,品牌,价格,名称等)查找商品,对于缺货商品,用户可以登记,到货后通知该用户。 d) 库存管理员可对数据库中的商品进行添加、删除、修改等编辑操作,系统为管理员提供库存预警功能。 e) 商品在页面上的显示必须有简介,价格,图片等基本信息。 f) 管理员可以设置商品打折活动,比如所有商品打8折等。 g) 系统有热销排行榜。 h) 具体细节参考当当网
A) reference dangdang network http://www.dangdang.com. Users after registration can buy products, to provide a shopping cart function, users in the checkout shopping in the shopping cart, calculated commodity information generated orders (order information including the order number, users, and purchased goods list, such as delivery address, contact information) B) administrator may view orders, according to the order delivery, change the order status (pending, is processing, shipment, end already, etc), the user can also check all of your order form. C) users can press conditions (category, brand, price, name, etc.), for short supply goods search goods, users can register, inform the user after the arrival. D) inventory of the goods database administrator for add, delete, modify etc for administrator edit operation, the system provides inventory warning function. E) goods on a page display must have introduction, price, pictures and other basic information. (2011-05-18, Java, 8496KB, 下载18次)


[百货/超市行业] dangdang

Dangdang system development example, source code, including shopping cart and the basic function of the system. For reference only (2011-05-15, Java, 4566KB, 下载5次)


[百货/超市行业] Shopping5-16SSH

网上购物商城源码 可模拟实现网购功能 供大家参观
shopping (2011-05-04, Java, 5204KB, 下载46次)


[百货/超市行业] web_dangdang

This is a used Struts1+ jsp+ ajax imitation Dangdang developed a simple online business platform to achieve: registered users, order generation, shopping cart and so on. (2011-05-01, Java, 3429KB, 下载31次)


[百货/超市行业] 15262380bookshop

failed to translate (2011-01-08, Java, 474KB, 下载5次)


[百货/超市行业] 01

Urban supply and demand information network is divided into front and back design, front main achievement of the display of information, search and publishing capabilities. Which information is displayed, including a list of shows and details of the show, but the list shows that the information is divided into home side a list of shows, view a list of all of the information under the category of display and search results list display search functions include positioning search and fuzzy search The function of the background to achieve the main information display, information auditing, information deleted, pay setting and exit the registry, which lists information display functions are divided into display and details of the display. (2010-11-07, Java, 3661KB, 下载3次)


[百货/超市行业] MobileOnlineShop

Mobile Online Shop source code, you can add other functions on this basis (2008-07-24, Java, 1807KB, 下载10次)


[百货/超市行业] Shopping

Using servlet and jsp development of online shopping systems, function relatively complete (2008-03-31, Java, 4717KB, 下载128次)


[百货/超市行业] 56770eshopv2.4.2demo

56770网络科技精心打造的超强版本已开始发售,发布此版本让更多的用户了解我们,= =此版主体功能都可以正常使用,方便大家试用,如果您喜欢我们的产品,请您购买正 = =式版支持我们! = =感谢大家对我们的支持,不段发展是我们永恒的奋斗目标! = = = =前200名正式版用户赠送价值200元的网银在线支付帐号一个,过期不送请大家谅解! = =购买任意一款空间赠送国际域名一个!
56,770 network technology superpower carefully orchestrated version has been put on sale. Published this version allow more users to understand us, this version = = main functions can be used normally to facilitate trial. If you like our products, you are buying = =-version support us! = = Thank everyone for their support and the development of our eternal struggle target! = = = = 200 before the final version presented users 200 yuan worth of net silver an online payment account. Please do not send overdue understanding! = = Buy any brand of space presented an international domain name! (2006-06-22, Java, 1733KB, 下载5次)


[百货/超市行业] ajaxcd20060404

tomcat 详细方法请见http://www.webplat.cn的技术文档. 2.将解压后的文件夹拷至%tomcat_home%/webapps/Root下,文件夹下有index.jsp文件 3.在mysql环境中将src文件夹下jspshop.sql执行生成数据库 4.按照系统环境修改build.bat文件以及src中.java文件。 其中build.bat中修改tomcat和jdk的安装路径 其中.java文件修改数据库的地址、登陆用户名和密码 5.命令行下运行build.bat,运行完后%tomcat_home%/webapps/Root/web-inf/classes文件夹下有ckstudio文件夹 6.确定上述操作无误,重新启动tomcat.在浏览器中输入 http://localhost:8080/你解压后的文件名 提示:如果您不熟悉jsp环境配置,请严格按照上述步骤进行. 本软件经测试能在各种jsp服务器上运行,在linux平台上也能成功运行。 如不能正确配置,请参见http://www.webplat.cn或者用E-mail、QQ和我们联系。
tomcat detailed methodology, see http :// www.webplat.cn technical documents. 2. to extract the folder to emboss% tomca t_home%/webapps/Root, folder documents have index.jsp 3. in mysql environment will src folder jspsh op.sql implementation Generation Database 4. in accordance with the system environment and changes build.bat file src . java documents. Which build.bat modified tomcat and jdk which the installation path. Java Document the address database, username and password 5. command line running build.bat. After running tomcat_home%%/webapps/Root/web-inf/c lasses folder under ckstudio folder 6. establishes operating correctly, restart tomcat. the browser input http://localhost : 8080/After you unpack the file name Tip : If you are not familiar with jsp environment con (2006-05-16, Java, 1242KB, 下载50次)


[百货/超市行业] jspyykfxjdm

jsp technical guides, and on-line shopping system module design (2006-03-12, Java, 697KB, 下载220次)


[百货/超市行业] J2EE网上购物系统制作步骤

shopping network systems development detailed steps based on the MVC architecture, you can develop its own e-commerce sites (2005-10-20, Java, 88KB, 下载549次)
