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[交通/航空行业] 50252wxapp

50252wxapp微信小程序的网约巴士订票平台的设计与实现ssm, stars:0, update:2024-09-19 13:18:31 (2024-09-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] 745

基于SSM+Layui+MySQL的在线景区旅游管理系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SSM+Layui+MySQL的在线景区旅游管理系统(附论文),包含普通用户,管理员角色。整体功能包含个人中心,用户管理,景区线路管理,飞机火车管理,酒店门票管理,门票类型管理,景点没事管理,旅游论坛管理,系统管理,订单管理,购物车管理,个人信息修改,订单管理。源码乐园专注提供优质源码,访问地址http: code51.cn
Online scenic spot tourism management system based on SSM+Layui+MySQL (with thesis) (graduation design), and online scenic spot tourism management system based on SSM+Layui+MySQL (with thesis), including ordinary users and administrator roles. The overall functions include personal center, user management, scenic spot route management, airplane and train management, hotel ticket management, ticket type management, scenic spot free management, tourism forum management, system management, order management, shopping cart management, personal information modification, and order management. The source code park focuses on providing high-quality source code. The access address is http: code51.cn (2024-07-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] 883

基于微信小程序+SSM+MySQL的网约巴士订票平台小程序(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。 网约巴士订票平台基于当前较为流行的B S(浏览器 服务器)结构,SSM框架、MYSQL数据库,设计并实现了一个功能较为完善的软件,通过本系统,管理员可进行管理员账号管理、新闻公告管理、投诉建议管理、网站链接管理等,同时用户可进行网站首页、系统公告、网站留言用户注册、后台管理等。本系统经过测试,运行效果稳定,操作方便、快捷,是一个功能全面、实用性好、安全性高,并具有良好的可扩展性、可维护性网约巴士订票平台软件。
Online bus booking platform applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with paper attached), administrator, user role, etc. Based on the current popular B S (browser server) structure, SSM framework, and MYSQL database, the online bus booking platform has designed and implemented a software with more complete functions. Through this system, the administrator can manage the administrator s account, news announcement management, complaint suggestion management, website link management, etc. At the same time, the user can conduct website home page, system announcement, website message user registration, background management, etc. The system has been tested and has stable operation effect, convenient and fast operation. It is a bus booking platform software with comprehensive functions, good practicability, high security, and good scalability and maintainability. (2024-06-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] Road-Network-Data-Collection-Application

Road Network Data Collection Application (2023-12-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] tour

Travel Booking Network (2019-03-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] Oldenburg-Road-Network

Oldenburg-Road-Network,, (2016-09-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] TrafficLightsControllers

Distributed Control Systems: Implementing 2 intersections with 2 controllers for the semaphores, with a model based on Petri Nets., (2020-01-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] AirLine

详细介绍 - [ 简单的航班查询源码 ] 简单的航班查询源码,使用http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/webservices/DomesticAirline.asmx的WebService接口实现
A simple flight query source code Simple flight query source code, using the WebService http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/webservices/DomesticAirline.asmx interface to achieve (2016-05-25, Java, 1708KB, 下载1次)


[交通/航空行业] chongqing-railstation

Chongqing City, the existing rail traffic network, the study of complex networks very meaningful (2013-06-17, Java, 338KB, 下载3次)


[交通/航空行业] 07-MySQL

Airline reservation system, booking, a refund, you can query orders (2013-05-11, Java, 143KB, 下载5次)


[交通/航空行业] smskb20110609-android_Rsmn.cn

This is the train time query software, powerful, easy to use. For research and development. (2011-06-12, Java, 1288KB, 下载11次)


[交通/航空行业] ABS(VER2.0)-02

服务器端 启动服务端:com.tarena.abs.server.ServerMainClass 一、航班管理模块 1、添加飞机型号 2、添加航班计划 3、删除航班计划 4、查询“全部”航班计划 5、查询“指定”航班计划 二、代理商管理模块 6、注册代理商管理 7、添加代理商 8、修改注册资料 9、修改积分 10、删除 三、订单管理模块 11、查看订单 12、业绩统计 四、系统信息 13、制作信息:( * 任选开发) 实现主要功能是描述哪个项目组开发,开发人员有哪些,开发日期,结束日期. 14、帮助文档:( * 任选开发) 实现主要功能是描述系统中每种操作的作用。 五、休闲娱乐 15、把自己以前开发的游戏(如扫雷、砸金花、五子棋)嵌入到系统中, 目的考查大家开发的游戏程序的移植性和系统兼容性。 客户端 启动客户端:com.tarena.abs.client. ClientMainClass 一、连接设置 1、注销登陆 2、设置连接参数 3、退出系统 二、客户信息 4、基本信息(已实现) 5、修改密码 6、历史记录:以往售出的订单项信息 三、查询航班 7、查询(难点) 四、添加订单项 8、添加到订单(难点): 9、“删除”订单项: 10、出票(难点)
We want to a ticket agent to develop a ticket booking system, which called for the adoption of a proxy at each point of the distribution of the client machine complete the check flight and ticket functions. The software system consists of two parts, installed in the agency point of the machine of the system on the program is the client software There is also installed on the agency s server-side software on the machine. Client software to complete the communication with the server, according to the given origin and destination and flight departure date to send a query to the server and the ticket requests. Server-side software to accept client requests to complete the flight search and ticket function returns the results to the client. At the same time, server-side software agents can carry out the management of records and statistics point of the volume of business of each agency and to the way the log files saved. Server Start the server: com.tarena.abs.server.ServerMainClass (2010-01-03, Java, 601KB, 下载11次)
