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[聚类算法] ComparePetriNets

A tool designed for Petri net comparison based on graph edit distance (GED) and graph edit similarity (GES) metrics using various implemented algorithms. (2020-01-31, Java, 6371KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] Web_Classification

Website classification system. (Sports, economy, entertainment, ...) (2019-11-12, Java, 4466KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] XiaoTianQi

1.从中国天气网提供的公开API查询各个县市的信息,利用城市名,再通过聚合数据的全国天气查询API进行天气查询 2.网络加载简单,使用HttpURLConnection封装了一个网络加载的工具类进行网络数据加载 3.使用了Gson解析...
1. Query the information of each county and city from the public API provided by China Weather Network, use the city name, and then use the aggregated national weather query API for weather query. 2. The network loading is simple, and a tool class for network loading is encapsulated using HttpURLConnection for network data loading. 3. Gson parsing is used (2018-04-04, Java, 816KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] movision

美番MOFO项目集IOS Android Boss 官网 微信公众号 微信小程序于一体的摄影圈内容社交平台,以平台用户流量引流到电商变现的项目。致力于打造业内最好的摄影爱好者聚集地,涵盖圈子社交,大咖论坛,系列教程,器材租售,模特互动...
The Mifan MOFO project is a content social platform in the photographic circle that integrates the IOS Android Boss official website WeChat official account WeChat applet, and uses the platform user traffic to channel to e-commerce cash projects. Committed to creating the best gathering place for photography enthusiasts in the industry, covering circle socializing, celebrity forums, series tutorials, equipment rental and sales, model interaction (2018-07-05, Java, 18292KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] DistributeCrawler

基于Map Reduce爬虫,可抽取各大新闻网站的新闻正文并进行分类和聚类
Based on the Map Reduce crawler, news texts from major news websites can be extracted, classified, and clustered (2014-01-05, Java, 2706KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] primeiro_trabalho_peoo

2019.2年首席执行官培训,Danielle Santos和Maria Clara Mesquita。
Primeiro trabalho da disciplina de PEOO de 2019.2, de Danielle Santos e Maria Clara Mesquita. (2020-03-30, Java, 9KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] FarmHandSqubs

Akka HTTP集群基于贝宝的squbs框架。
Akka HTTP cluster based on paypal s squbs framework. (2022-09-15, Java, 26KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] QuestionRecommendation

Programming Questions Recommendation System (牛客网试题推荐系统)
Programming Questions Recommendation System (2018-02-06, Java, 1447KB, 下载0次)
