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[压缩解压] ctf-tools

网鼎杯培训用到的一些ctf工具(javafx),编解码,键盘和鼠标抓包解密,维吉尼亚暴力破解,zip crc暴力破解,曼彻斯特解码等。,
Some ctf tools (javafx) used in Netding Cup training, encoding and decoding, keyboard and mouse packet capture and decryption, Virginia brute force cracking, zip crc brute force cracking, Manchester decoding, etc., (2022-05-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] Biorhythm

Paragraph entertainment software, where in the software enter your own someone else s name, date of birth, you can check the date or other date of their health, mood, mental and other indicators, you can also notice the danger within the next 100 date (the index of poor date) (2010-01-05, Java, 308KB, 下载4次)
