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[DevOps] monitor-jwt

itbaima.cn里的运维监控系统, stars:0, update:2024-05-24 16:17:10 (2024-05-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] idcenter

idcenter(分布式ID生成中心):极高效的分布式id生成系统,每个客户端获取id的tps可达到400万+,服务端可支持海量的客户端。具备高容错性,即使网络不稳定也能 运 转(只要不连续长时间断网)。使用http协议进行通信,可支持多语言。具备完整的管理员登录、权限校验。部...,
Idcenter (distributed ID generation center): an extremely efficient distributed ID generation system. The tps for each client to obtain ID can reach 4 million+, and the server can support a large number of clients. With high fault tolerance, it can operate even if the network is unstable (as long as the network is not disconnected for a long time continuously). Use http protocol for communication, which can support multiple languages. Complete administrator login and permission verification. Department, (2023-04-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] RMVedioMeetPro

Target Intranet Video Conference Streaming Media Module Client Full Platform Open Source Code with Test Server (2020-04-01, Java, 34294KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] PLDroidRTCStreaming

PLDroidRTCStreaming 是七牛推出的一款适用于 Android 平台的连麦互动 SDK,支持低延时音视频通话、RTMP 直播推流,可快速开发一对一视频聊天、多人视频会议、网红直播连麦、狼人杀、娃娃机等应用,接口简单易用...
PLDroidRTCStreaming is a connected microphone interactive SDK for Android platform launched by Qiniu. It supports low latency audio and video calls, RTMP live streaming, and can quickly develop one-on-one video chat, multi person video conference, online celebrity live broadcast connected microphone, werewolf killing, doll machine and other applications. The interface is simple and easy to use (2018-09-10, Java, 53234KB, 下载0次)
