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[多媒体编程] bdyybfq

Local music player source code without lyrics display. Display interface is also relatively simple. Can read the song information in accordance with the artist classification. Can also be classified according to the album. Background play using service to achieve. (2016-06-14, Java, 1117KB, 下载1次)



Java多媒体视频播放器,基于程序较小,并不需要使用到数据库、Java媒体框架(JMF)是你能够编写出功能强大的多媒体播放程序,却不用关心底层复杂的实现细节。JMF、API的使用相对比较简单,但是能够满足几乎所有多媒体编程的需求,本程序要求如下:媒体播放器使用Java编写一个程序实现多媒体播放器的功能,此次设计在Microsoft Windows 7系统下,以Java为开发语言,在Eclipse开发平台上进行的设计与实现。
Java Multimedia Video Player (2014-04-24, Java, 1048KB, 下载18次)


[多媒体编程] cms

A video about sports cms code, comprehensive, suitable for beginners to master the knowledge of good practice projects (2013-10-20, Java, 2000KB, 下载4次)


[多媒体编程] computergame.pdf

这篇文章是描述MYSQ,娱乐系统,使用户能够创建原创音乐视频 夹(如:MTV),通过手机与朋友分享视频。原始影片是原 因为它产生的用户使用视频,结合使用用户的舞蹈动作的视频效果 作为参数。 MYSQ概念是通过过程的沟通以及产品内容 创作。 MYSQ系统的特点是:操作简单,多层次的互动,协作, 从球员的经验转化为内容,将其转换为媒体的经验转让 形式。本文将分析系统与游戏流程的基础上, 森特米哈伊流理论,作为一个游戏娱乐系统的价值评估,成效 上述的特点。 希望可以供大家借鉴
This article is to describe MYSQ, entertainment systems, allowing users the ability to create original music video clip (such as: MTV), share video via mobile phone with a friend. The original film is a reason for its users to use video, video effects combined with the user' s dance movements as a parameter. MYSQ concept through the process of communication and product content creation. MYSQ system features are: simple operation, multi-level interaction, collaboration, from the player the experience of transformation for the content, convert it to the media experience in the form of transfer. This paper will analyze the system and the flow of the game on the basis of Csikszentmihalyi flow theory, as the valuation of a game and entertainment system, the effectiveness of the above characteristics. Hope for all to learn (2012-06-06, Java, 532KB, 下载4次)


[多媒体编程] Qplayer

QT movie player source code specially for you (2012-06-04, Java, 360KB, 下载84次)


[多媒体编程] 8211.cn_20090807113619

java programmer at work that something. . . . . . . . . . . (2009-11-03, Java, 2453KB, 下载2次)
