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按分类查找All Docker(15) 
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[Docker] zenity-docker-nu

a zenity app for the docker subnet masking check with nu rust programming. I coded this earlier also for slurm and pbs and now put it for the docker also. you can define your docker processid and it will get the netmask for the same so that you can connect to those instances easily. I coded this for the slurm and pbs cluster (2024-03-29, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] docker-network-latency-plotter

一个docker网络延迟绘图仪,该绘图仪编码为bundle docker群管理的一部分,该子部分将检查和绘制所有docker网延迟,如果它们正在睡眠或死亡,还将对其进行修剪
a docker network latency plotter coded which is a part of the bundle docker swarm management and this subpart will check and plot all the docker network latency and also prune them if they are sleeping or are dead (2024-03-29, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] dockerfile

基于Let’s Encrypt 推荐客户端certbot nginx证书续签方案;基于lbsyun 私有化部署使用外网百度地图开放平
Recommend client certbot nginx certificate renewal scheme based on Let s Encrypt; Based on lbsyun privatization deployment, use the internet Baidu Maps Open Platform (2024-03-04, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] mirrors

同步外网(如:gcr.io)容器镜像至 Docker Hub
Synchronize the external network (such as gcr. io) container image to the Docker Hub (2024-02-02, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] hind

Hashistack IN Docker(带游牧民族+执政官+球童的单个容器)
Hashistack-IN-Docker (single container with nomad + consul + caddy) (2024-01-10, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] dockerfiles

For personal entertainment, written in a portability-based principle. (2023-05-08, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] bupt-net-login

北邮北京邮电大学校园网网关自动化认证脚本。支持有线网和无线网。支持带参数 Portal 认证、AC 跳转、掉线重连。跨平台。 BUPT Network Login.
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications campus network gateway automation authentication script. Support wired network and wireless network. Support Portal authentication with parameters, AC jump, and offline reconnection. Cross platform. BUPT Network Login (2023-11-11, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] deploy

EN: deploy.sh is a general CI CD program. write by shell, support deployment docker k8s rsync. CN: 是一个通用的持续集成 持续发布系统,支持 docker k8s rsync 等方式部署。
EN: deploy.sh is a general CI CD program Write by shell, support deployment docker k8s rsync CN: It is a general continuous integration and continuous release system, which supports docker k8s rsync and other deployments. (2023-07-31, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] rpi-gadget-image-creator

采用标准Raspbian Lite映像,并添加USB以太网小工具配置
Takes a standard Raspbian Lite image and adds USB Ethernet gadget config (2023-01-07, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] docker-ngrok-server

ngrok服务器的docker image,实现内网穿透。也可以下载附件中的ngrok客户端使用
The Docker image of the ngrok server enables intranet penetration. You can also download the ngrok client in the attachment to use (2022-07-24, Shell, 3062KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] campus-network-unlock

Breakthrough campus network restrictions based on VPN port forwarding, crack campus network, and deploy fool Docker container (2022-05-27, Shell, 6127KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] docker-tools

Docker tools for developer productivity & entertainment (2023-04-24, Shell, 1719KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] frps

基于原版 frp 内网穿透服务端 frps 的一键安装卸载脚本和 docker 镜像.支持 Linux 服务器和 docker 等多种环境安装部署.
One click installation and uninstallation script and docker image based on the original frp intranet penetrating the server frps. It supports installation and deployment of Linux server, docker and other environments (2023-05-29, Shell, 6KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] docker-tutorial-cn

docker 教程
Docker Tutorial (2020-11-23, Shell, 3789KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] frpc

基于原版 frp 内网穿透客户端 frpc 的一键安装卸载脚本和 docker 镜像.支持群晖NAS,Linux 服务器和 docker 等多种环境安装部署.
One click installation and uninstallation script and docker image based on the original version of frp intranet penetrating client frpc. It supports installation and deployment of multiple environments such as Groupon NAS, Linux server and docker (2023-05-29, Shell, 8KB, 下载0次)
