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[操作系统开发] UsingThreadXandARM

expresslogic 官网上推荐的权威书辑, 由Dr. Edward Lamie编辑, 最适合初学者,读懂了可以回答关于OS面试问题,面试官就不会再怀疑你在操作系统理论知识上还会有什么问题。 即使资深的程序员也免不了要面试吧, 也要弄懂这些基本知识。
expresslogic recomend the book written by Dr. Edward Lamie, is very suitable to the beginning, Understanding of this book, you may answer about all the questions about OS in interviewing. It is also useful for senior programmer, beacause any programmer is possilbley interviewed when you change new job, those basic knowledge is neccessary. (2013-07-27, Windows_Unix, 1672KB, 下载1次)


[操作系统开发] MAX_DOS

MAX_DOS for win,用于网吧的批量ghost
MAX_DOS for win (2013-01-29, Windows_Unix, 499KB, 下载2次)
