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[处理器开发] stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um

STM32F10x series library, from the official website for everyone to learn English, use (2013-03-30, Windows_Unix, 18949KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] ARM

This book describes in a comprehensive ARM processor architecture, programming model, instruction set and development tools at the same time, to Samsung' s an Ethernet-based system, as the core ARM processor-S3C4510B gave a detailed system design, debug , as well as related software design and embedded operating system migration process. By reading this book, you can enable a certain degree of system design capacity of the reader fully grasp the development of ARM-based microprocessor system, the range of knowledge, which have the ARM-based microprocessor design and development of application-specific systems. (2010-01-03, Windows_Unix, 2192KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] 44b0-rtl8019as

This program is s3c44b0+ rtl8019 of the net mouth communication process. Program implemented arp protocol, imcp protocol and udp protocols of communication! The code has been tested and totally reliable! (2009-09-14, Windows_Unix, 646KB, 下载64次)


[处理器开发] AMBA20_cn

Bus AMBA2.0 official Chinese version of the agreement. AMBA2.0 embedded bus protocol is now the most widely used areas of the bus protocol. The English version of it in the arm on the company' s Web site can be obtained free of charge. (2009-08-18, Windows_Unix, 1070KB, 下载2次)


[处理器开发] aybook.cn_IICzongxianxieyi105

But more than the way the company' s announcement but is a local story is very generous over the Vatican (2009-04-16, Windows_Unix, 764KB, 下载2次)


[处理器开发] sw01266-195

ARM CORTEX L3M6XXX CPU 以太网 lwip 源码
ARM CORTEX L3M6XXX CPU Ethernet lwIP source (2008-03-23, Windows_Unix, 561KB, 下载54次)
