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[游戏机] hawk

用于原始Xbox的Xbox Live Communicator的开源娱乐
Open Source Recreation of the Xbox Live Communicator for Original Xbox (2024-04-29, C, 0KB, 下载0次)



Pacman Game in C是一款简单的控制台应用程序或迷你短片游戏,旨在娱乐。它类似于蛇游戏...,
Pacman Game in C is a simple console application or a mini clip game designed for the purpose of entertainment. It resembles the snake game to some extent in which the Pacman should be driven in such a way that it moves along the predefined blue path so that the path is erased or eaten by Pacman. More you erase the path, more score you gain; (2022-12-30, C, 0KB, 下载0次)
