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[游戏] MTGGuildData

Website to display data from our 10-deck, 3-5 player MTG commander games., (2021-06-09, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] education-royale-gaming

Education Royale Gaming是首屈一指的教育游戏服务,将娱乐和学习融合在一起,以团结所有年龄段的人...,
Education Royale Gaming is the premiere education gaming service, fusing fun and learning together in order to unite people of all ages with one common goal: to transform the way we learn. (2023-09-01, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] koishi-plugin-see-color

Koishi 的小游戏娱乐插件,一款有趣而简单的视觉游戏。 游戏的名字叫做《给我点颜色看看》,也可以称为《找色块》或《猜色块》。,
Koishi s small game entertainment plug-in is an interesting and simple visual game. The name of the game is "Show me some color", which can also be called "Find the color block" or "Guess the color block"., (2023-08-11, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Game-Events-Calendar

By calling the mobile game official website and wiki or crawler, you can obtain the information of major mobile games in real time and organize it into the calendar, which helps you easily plan the game time., (2023-07-30, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] websocket-node

借鉴网易游戏框架【pinus】搭建 WebSocketService ,全文采用 TS 编写
Learn from Netease game framework [pinus] to build WebSocketService, and the full text is written in TS (2021-12-08, TypeScript, 52KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] common-protector-moe

护萌宝 战舰少女R 游戏辅助 跨平台版
Cute Treasure battleship girl R game auxiliary cross platform version (2023-01-05, TypeScript, 745KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] PetBattle

这是一款宝可梦(Pokemon)类型的即时战斗回合制游戏,以精灵养成和联机对战玩法为主,客户端基于Cocos Creator,服务端基于本人的开源框架JCEngine,数据库使用MySQL,使用乐观帧同步实现联机对战。
This is a Pokemon type real-time combat round game, which mainly focuses on spirit cultivation and online game play. The client is based on Cocos Creator, and the server is based on its own open source framework JCEngine. The database uses MySQL, and uses optimistic frame synchronization to achieve online game play. (2021-12-26, TypeScript, 47451KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] sentry-miniapp

Sentry 小程序 小游戏 SDK:用于小程序 小游戏平台的 Sentry SDK(目前支持微信、字节跳动、支付宝、钉钉、QQ、百度小程序,微信、QQ 小游戏)
Sentry applet games SDK: Sentry SDK for applet games platform (currently supports WeChat, byte skipping, Alipay, nailing, QQ, Baidu applet, WeChat, QQ games) (2023-01-07, TypeScript, 5168KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] chess

(In Progress) A just for fun, classic chess game against an AI opponent. Now with multiplayer support. (2023-01-07, TypeScript, 2889KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] gashapon

Skynet Developer Summer Program 2022 Project : an alternative video game distribution platform. Like Steam and itch.io, but web3 flavoured. (2022-08-17, TypeScript, 876KB, 下载0次)
