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[其他行业] 200492910145440

Room management system, school room management, but also can be used for Internet cafes (2013-10-25, Delphi, 531KB, 下载1次)


[其他行业] WebShop

Previously written in a shop management system for their own use, badminton supplies management, relatively simple (2012-07-29, Delphi, 1014KB, 下载3次)


[其他行业] lingxi

1、这个网管程序是我去年年底写的一个网吧管理程序,后来事务繁忙,一直没功夫继续写下去。 2、程序用Delphi6编写,用到了两个第三方控件RxLib、EhLib。 3、这里是全部的源代码,Client端和Server端的一部分功能还没写,有兴趣的朋友不妨把它写完。
1, the network management program is the end of last year to write an Internet cafe management program, then the busy has been no effort to continue writing. 2, the program with Delphi6 to write, used two third-party the control RxLib EhLib. 3, here is the full source code, part of the Client side and Server side functions yet to be written, the friends who are interested may wish to finish it. (2012-07-22, Delphi, 1095KB, 下载12次)


[其他行业] wb

Internet cafe management software, features a very full, I hope to give us some help (2011-09-25, Delphi, 787KB, 下载9次)


[其他行业] prg3

机房管理系统是一套基于图形用户界面、下拉菜单以及导航功能相结合模式下的友好操作界面,易学易用. 系统采用服务器/客户机方式,方便地实现多用户端、多机房统一、跨网段、多校区管理. 系统功能实用,可实现机房管理规范化、自动化以及信息化.
Room Management System is a graphical user interface and navigation features drop-down menu mode combines the friendly interface, easy to use. The system uses client/server mode, convenient multi-client, multi-room unity, inter- segment, multi-campus management. system functional and practical, achievable room management standardization, automation and information technology. (2011-01-25, Delphi, 659KB, 下载22次)


[其他行业] S50_Access

S50及其兼容卡密钥控制字算法程序, 版本V1.0 卡的密钥区中间4字节的控制算法程序,方便快捷。 支持卡片 一、MF1 S50 原装芯片:PHILIPS MF1 IC S50(菲利浦公司) 二、MF1 S50 兼容芯片: 1、FM11RF08(复旦公司) 2、IS23SC4439(ISSI公司) 3、SHC1104(华虹公司) 4、SLE44R35(英飞凌公司) 5、BL75R06(贝岭公司) 支持读写器 北京友我科技有限公司 YW605系列射频卡读写器及相关兼容读写器 网站支持 http://www.youwokeji.com.cn
S50 and compatible card key control word algorithm program, version V1.0 cards among the key areas the control algorithm program 4 bytes, convenient and quick. Support for a card, MF1 S50 original chip: PHILIPS MF1 IC S50 (Philips) Second, MF1 S50-compatible chips: 1, FM11RF08 (Fudan company) 2, IS23SC4439 (ISSI company) 3, SHC1104 (Huahong company) 4 SLE44R35 (Infineon) 5, BL75R06 (Pui Ling companies) to support the Friends of the reader I Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing YW605 series RF card reader and the related Web site compliant reader support http://www.youwokeji.com. cn (2010-11-30, Delphi, 213KB, 下载140次)


[其他行业] fireSend

Mainly used in KTV or Internet cafes and other places of business, first of all, the Kai client in the client machine to start menu, start the client, you can use server-side control to send fire on and off the fire function [technology: UDP broadcast] (2009-02-21, Delphi, 3197KB, 下载48次)


[其他行业] client

State-owned large and medium-sized coal mines in the technology and equipment levels have been greatly improved, to establish multiple sets of coal demand for information systems. Existing systems at underground coal mine automation systems, underground image control system, underground gas monitoring system, wind system, GIS system, the main auxiliary shaft hoisting system security, and many other production systems. Data Acquisition (2008-04-13, Delphi, 4KB, 下载37次)


[其他行业] wbym

Internet management software, we hope that they will help point, where some of the areas that need to check everyone (2007-05-15, Delphi, 741KB, 下载13次)


[其他行业] NetBarPerson

DELPHI6G development of a set of Internet identity management system. The main function is to use USB scanner or camera map opening the first class equipment, members of the Internet cafes will be stored in the computer ID, when the next member on the plane when it is not necessary to repeat that produce their identity cards and he just told service members, verifying customer identity. (2006-06-23, Delphi, 641KB, 下载340次)


[其他行业] wangba

the management system, they are complete, very nice, a good reference. (2006-04-05, Delphi, 809KB, 下载81次)


[其他行业] 网吧计费管理软件代码

有关密码为: 服务端:为 “1”。 客户端:为机器的月份+日期。 如“2005/08/05”, 则为数字“85” 数据库:为“xzxq”。 适用:Win98,XP. 编译:DELPHI 6.0。 蠢作还有很多问题,如在XP操作系统上还不能屏蔽功能键和进程。
the password : server : "1." Client : machines for the month of the date. If "2005/08/05", compared with the number "85" database : "xzxq." Apply : Win98, XP. Compiler : Delphi 6.0. Stupid for many issues, such as the XP operating system also can shield function keys and processes. (2005-10-26, Delphi, 761KB, 下载62次)
