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按平台查找All Delphi(6) 

[系统/网络安全] WMI-Remote-Monitor

WMI through the Windows interface, the remote viewing computer information collected within the network host information in the analysis of data, can learn about the operational state of the entire local area network as a whole under the WAN, network security, user behavior patterns and other information (2012-07-05, Delphi, 365KB, 下载34次)


[系统/网络安全] 200367

获取网卡的子网掩码 获取网络连接的子网掩码
get mask (2009-07-15, Delphi, 271KB, 下载30次)


[系统/网络安全] ScreenLock

自己写的网吧专用的挂机锁源代码,彻底禁止一切Window热键。包括Ctrl+Alt+Del. 稍加改进即可以成为自己专用的挂机锁工具。
The Internet to write their own dedicated lock hang up the source code, a complete ban on all Window Hotkey. Including Ctrl+ Alt+ Del. A little improvement that could be hanging up its own special locking tool. (2009-05-12, Delphi, 512KB, 下载90次)


[系统/网络安全] 394722213

Network Management Center for the maintenance of the registration system, by the client and server components to facilitate a network failure to declare the registration. (2008-03-16, Delphi, 1336KB, 下载16次)


[系统/网络安全] network_security

network security ppt files, said very detailed knowledge can be learned (2006-11-09, Delphi, 1306KB, 下载67次)


[系统/网络安全] yol.v1.3

该软件主要用于屏蔽设定关键字后的网站,具体功能包括: 可以使含有关键字的网址自动转向到你设定的网站或HTML去。 清空IE临时文件夹    清空IE历史记录 文档清空 删除收藏夹网址 删除IE地址栏网址 当然还可以定义你保密的目录 限制运行程序 清除内存中运行的程序    禁止WINDOWS下载软件等功能 恢复IE工具栏的链接名称 取消开机对话框 恢复internet选项安全页面自定义按钮 去除IE分级审查的密码 修改时间前面加广告 恢复OE标题栏广告 恢复IE搜索引擎 恢复网页右键菜单 恢复一系列文件名 恢复主页修改 修复IE的默认页面 修复文件属性里面的广告 恢复注册表文件打开方式 还原注册表被恶意代码修改
the software used mainly shielding set keywords to the web site, the specific features include : It will make the website containing keywords automatically shifted to set your web site or to HTML. Clear IE temporary folder emptied IE historical records deleted files emptied favorites delete IE website at the address bar of course you also can define a list of confidentiality restrictions operational procedures to remove the memory running Windows procedures prohibit downloading software features such as Internet Explorer toolbar to restore the link titles boot resume dialog internet security Options button pages removed from the definition of classification review of the IE code changes ahead of time to resume OE increase advertising column heading to restore IE advertising search engine w (2004-09-20, Delphi, 557KB, 下载95次)
