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按分类查找All 编译器/解释器(14) 
按平台查找All C/C++(14) 

[编译器/解释器] 好例子网_ToAsm_第五次作业

Compiler complete version, do course design is very easy to use, lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate code, assembly (2021-04-25, C/C++, 1103KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] LUAC解密工具

lua解密工具微微有点老..也有不少不会编译的..本菜狗集成了一下.. 其实工具主要作用是处理unlua的中文问题.
Lua decryption tools are slightly old. There are also a lot of non-compiled. This vegetable dog integrated for a while. In fact, the main function of the tool is to deal with unlua's Chinese problems. (2019-03-23, C/C++, 1366KB, 下载25次)


[编译器/解释器] TinyCC 0.9.26

TCC(Tiny C Compiler)0.9.26源码 VS版工程 已经实现VS2008和VS2013 打开即用 可编译 可调试 建议使用VS2008编译
TCC (Tiny C Compiler) 0.9.26 source VS version project VS2008 and VS2013 have been opened and used Compiling and debugging It is recommended to use VS2008 to compile (2018-01-19, C/C++, 567KB, 下载22次)


[编译器/解释器] LPC43XXDualCoreExamples-CN

LPC43xx examples of Chinese dual-core documentation. Official outlines examples of dual-core structure. And compiler settings. (2014-05-16, C/C++, 424KB, 下载25次)


[编译器/解释器] Autoit3

Autoit3 decompile engine, right now most Autoit3 can disassemble a very powerful tool for open-source (2013-07-17, C/C++, 284KB, 下载13次)


[编译器/解释器] memory-compiler-design

memory compiler design (2013-07-10, C/C++, 3239KB, 下载11次)


[编译器/解释器] RealView_cn

RealView® 编译工具 中文指南手册大全,《编译器用户指南》《汇编器指南》《链接器参考指南》《实用程序指南》等等
RealView ® Compilation Tools for Chinese guide to Guinness, " Compiler User Guide" , " Assembler Guide" , " Linker Reference Guide" " Utility Guide," etc. (2011-09-06, C/C++, 6883KB, 下载17次)


[编译器/解释器] cli

Command-line interpreter, inch C language, do not call any library, for small system migration (2011-05-03, C/C++, 13KB, 下载42次)


[编译器/解释器] cdproject

this is a compiler design project
this is a compiler design project (2010-04-12, C/C++, 30KB, 下载6次)


[编译器/解释器] C-Free4.0

很简单方便的C/c++编译器 很实用 不知道论坛里有没有源 冒昧发一下
Is very simple and convenient C/c++ compiler does not know the forum very useful source of liberty have made about (2009-09-29, C/C++, 7949KB, 下载12次)


[编译器/解释器] Analysis_of_the_essence_of_C_language_examples

◎ 光盘内容说明 1.【Code】目录,包括实例1~190的所有源代码和可执行程序。 2.【Tools】目录,包括TC2.0编译器。 ◎ 光盘使用说明 1. 源代码的使用说明,参见【Code】目录下的CodeReadme.txt文件。 2. TurboC 2.0 的安装方法,参见【Tools】目录下的ToolsReadme.txt文件。 ◎ 技术支持 在光盘使用过程中,如果遇到问题,请发邮件至linread@163.com或zjulinruizhong@yahoo.com.cn与我们联系。
◎ CD description 1. 【Code】 directory, including the examples 1 ~ 190 of all source code and executable programs. 2.】 【Tools directory, including TC2.0 compiler. CD-ROM for use ◎ 1. The use of source code, see Code】 【CodeReadme.txt document directory. 2. TurboC 2.0 installation method, see Tools】 【ToolsReadme.txt document directory. ◎ Technical Support CD-ROM to use in the process, if problem encountered, please send an e-mail zjulinruizhong@yahoo.com.cn and linread@163.com or contact us. (2009-03-28, C/C++, 4468KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] zhanghui.cpp

词法分析,语法分析,以及中间代码生成 行骏向前冲www.ailzy.cn行骏的博客提供
Lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and intermediate code generation line Chun Chun forward line of the blog www.ailzy.cn provide (2008-01-06, C/C++, 1221KB, 下载6次)


[编译器/解释器] Making_plain_binary_files_using_a_C_compiler_cn

online to find the one pair of c compiler profound grasp of things, not the source of high-quality, repeat things to upload nor is the e-books, people in need can look at the pdf format (2007-04-20, C/C++, 204KB, 下载55次)


[编译器/解释器] ldp-portable

实现了MPLS中的标签分发协议(LDP 3036 )的基本功能
realized MPLS label distribution protocol (LDP 3036), the basic functions (2006-03-23, C/C++, 359KB, 下载52次)
