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[*行业应用] SALOME

CAE PreProcessor SALOME是一个开源软件,为数值模拟提供了一个通用的前后处理平台。它基于一个由可重用组件构成的开放、灵活的体系结构。SALOME是一个跨平台的解决方案。它是根据GNU LGPL许可证的条款分发的。您可以从该站点下载源代码和可执行文件。
What is SALOME SALOME is an open-source software that provides a generic Pre- and Post-Processing platform for numerical simulation. It is based on an open and flexible architecture made of reusable components. SALOME is a cross-platform solution. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. You can download both the source code and the executables from this site. (2020-06-23, C/C++, 566KB, 下载1次)


[*行业应用] 程序员修炼之道.pdf

The cultivation of programmers (2020-03-31, C/C++, 11351KB, 下载7次)


[*行业应用] GeLiBo80V

Electric garden tools, dc brushless motor drive board schematic diagram (2019-05-14, C/C++, 65KB, 下载20次)


[*行业应用] 易充三代7500_01

Easy charging three generation 7500, the latest rechargeable code,using for productor (2018-01-18, C/C++, 51KB, 下载4次)


[*行业应用] E19-433MS100 资料包

Wireless transmission source code (2017-10-09, C/C++, 40029KB, 下载17次)


[*行业应用] P89LPC952-user_cn(2)

P89LPC952 是一款单片封装的微控制器,适合于许多要求高集成、低成本的场合,可 以满足多方面的性能要求。P89LPC952 采用高性能的微处理器结构,指令执行时间只需2~ 4 个时钟周期,6 倍于标准80C51 器件。P89LPC952 集成了许多系统级的功能,这样可大大 减少元件数目、电路板面积以及系统的成本。P89LPC952 使用指南及应用
P89LPC952 is a single-chip microcontroller, many of the requirements for highly integrated, low-cost places to meet a wide range of performance requirements. P89LPC952 uses high-performance microprocessor architecture, instruction execution time of only 2 to 4 clock cycles, six times the standard 80C51 devices. P89LPC952 incorporates many system-level functions, this would significantly reduce the component count, board area and system cost. P89LPC952 User Guide and Application (2009-11-17, C/C++, 875KB, 下载3次)


[*行业应用] lottery155

随机产生彩票15选5 的号码,仅供娱乐
15 randomly generated lottery numbers 5 election, only for entertainment (2008-12-03, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[*行业应用] Cmux_code

辽阳本地网传输监测系统 Ver1.0
Liaoyang local transmission network monitoring system Ver1.0 (2004-09-09, C/C++, 103KB, 下载23次)
