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[Web服务器] kvm_client_windows

Remote management can achieve the effect of remote desktop through server management network port IP (2020-08-29, C/C++, 44281KB, 下载6次)


[Web服务器] 957835

中国联通GSM直放站系统统一监控管理协议规范1 0 本技术规范规定中国联通GSM直放站网络管理协议和直放站设备的网管接口技术要
China Unicom GSM repeater system unified monitoring and management protocol specification 10 this technical specification stipulates China Unicom GSM repeater network management protocol and repeater equipment network management interface technical essentials (2019-03-30, C/C++, 76KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] httpd-2.4.2.tar

apache2.4.2源码 共大家参考 也可去apache官网下载 是一样的
apache2.4.2 source for your reference can also go to apache' s official website to download the same (2012-08-13, C/C++, 5485KB, 下载10次)


[Web服务器] outoutpic

cgi(c/c++)输出内存图片,在一定程序上防盗链,只允许本站访问图片. stdin,stdout
cgi (c/c++) output memory image, to a certain program on anti-navigating to www.sina.com.cn. only permit site visit pictures. stdin, stdout (2008-04-12, C/C++, 1KB, 下载40次)
