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[android开发] paizhaocenianji

Android project source code to see face time measuring face age is a a fun app project source code, the user can through pictures or photos of yourself or your friends the local library, and then analyze the age, sex, also can put the analysis results and photo sharing to map, other users can also see share your photos and test out of the age. (2016-05-18, PHP-PERL, 3269KB, 下载5次)


[android开发] zhushiweather

A simple Android weather project source code, the weather data source http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/. Project layered reasonable code specification has a large number of notes. Weather data can be updated in the background. The compiled version 5.1.1. is suitable for novice learning reference (2016-05-17, PHP-PERL, 1226KB, 下载4次)


[android开发] xiaohuabaike

Android project source joke encyclopedia source code is a joke based on Android s app client, the data source http://www.jokeji.cn/. Direct analysis of web content filled listview. If the page can not see the effect of the. So want to learn as soon as possible. There are several project page garbled, change it yourself encoding. (2016-05-16, PHP-PERL, 1107KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] zaixianketangUI

Android project source online classroom education UI framework source code is a Android based online classroom application source code, only to do a UI framework, did not achieve any specific functions. There are similar to the win8 layout of the box. Login login multi-threaded custom progress bar and other interfaces are doing well. There is a need to download to see. Online education is a very fire in the past two years, the market, Tencent, Baidu has a foot in the NetEase. There is a lot of unknown. Therefore, the site may also focus on this piece of the project source code, such as there is a need to continue to pay attention to the station. (2016-05-16, PHP-PERL, 3378KB, 下载5次)
