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[通讯编程] 168regpay-php

接口特点: 1.同时提供银行卡在线支付、声讯电话支付、互联星空支付、手机短信注册等支付途径。 2.银行卡在线支付支持国内60 余种银行卡(信用卡、储蓄卡、借记卡等)在线支付。 3.全国声讯电话支付支持全国所有省份固定电话、小灵通、中国移动、中国联通手机,开通移动、联通、电信、网通多个声讯热线号码。
Interface characteristics: 1 provide bank card online payment, voice telephone payment, vent payment, mobile phone SMS registration and other means of payment. 2 bank card online payment support more than 60 kinds of domestic bank card (credit card, debit card, debit card, etc.) online payment. 3. The voice telephone payment support for all provinces of the country fixed telephone, PHS, China Mobile, China Unicom, mobile phones, launched mobile, China Unicom, telecom, Netcom multiple voice hotline number. (2016-04-27, PHP-PERL, 109KB, 下载1次)
