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[Ftp客户端] Dolphin-cn

软件介绍 安装方法(以www.bar.sh.cn举例说明) 1.进入管理员后台(http://www.bar.sh.cn/admin/) 2.建立中文语言包(Settings=>Languages Settings) 按照以下信息输入: New language:简体中文 Code:sc Copy from:English Flag: China New language:繁体中文 Code:tc Copy from:English Flag: China 3.FTP上传压缩包内的语言包到您的服务器langs文件夹下并覆盖同名文件 4.设置您的默认语言Default site language: 简体中文
Software introduction The installation method (www.bar.sh.cn for example) 1 enter the administrator background (http://www.bar.sh.cn/admin/) 2 the establishment of Chinese language package (Settings Settings=>Languages) According to the following information input: Language: New simplified Chinese Copy from:English Flag: China Code:sc New language: Code:tc Copy from:English Flag: China Chinese traditional 3.FTP upload compressed language pack to your server Langs folder and cover the file with the same name 4 set your default language Default site language: simplified Chinese (2016-04-16, PHP-PERL, 62KB, 下载1次)
