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[P2P编程] CN-P2P

CN P2P (2024-06-06, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[P2P编程] rings-wasm-p2p

This example shows how rings network works in wasm and browser envirement., (2023-10-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[P2P编程] P2Puser

P2P net loan platform User Center templates, a full set of templates, static page design, but also do other user-centered system template topic, very practical. (2016-05-30, HTML, 573KB, 下载2次)


[P2P编程] ICQ

说明: LanMsg是一款用.net C# 开发的局域网即时通讯开源软件(经过简单修改可用于因特网),适合.net即时通讯软件开发者用。 p2p原理(UDP打洞),消息的内容采用串行化技术发送与接收(可发送任何自定义的数据类型).为防止代码过多而引起查看难度,暂只提供本程序的2.1.3 Bate版 主要功能: 支持文件传输; 支持GIF动画表情; 支持屏幕截图发送; 支持音、视频对话; 支持对话记录保存于数据库操作等。
Description: LanMsg is a use. Net C# development of open-source instant messaging software of LAN (through a simple modification can be used for the Internet), for. Net Instant messaging software developers to use. p2p principle (UDP hole), the message content using technology to send and receive serial (can send any Custom data types) In order to prevent too much code to view the difficulty caused by temporarily only version of this program 2.1.3 Bate Main functions: Support for file transfer Expression of support for GIF animation Screenshot sent to support Support voice, video dialogue Records stored in the database to support dialogue operation. (2011-12-02, HTML, 6784KB, 下载26次)
