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[SQL Server] zibm

buscx.cn汉字拼音五笔部首速查 可根据汉字查拼音,部首及五笔编码 支持多个汉字同时查询 使用前先将SQL导入数据库.
buscx.cn Wubi Pinyin Quick radicals can check characters to Pinyin, Wubi coding radicals and supports multiple characters at the same time before use SQL queries into the . (2016-08-07, HTML, 135KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] vote

仿中华网简单调查系统 直接上传到空间 不需要MYSQL支持 不用后台 数据保存在DATA文件夹 t.txt(title) 每条标题 a.txt(ask) 每条选项 r.txt(resault)投票结果 回车和 | 分隔数据.
Imitation of the simple survey system directly upload space does not require MySQL support without background data stored in the data folder t.txt title, each title a.txt assigned each option r.txt resault voting results enter and | separation of data. (2016-08-04, HTML, 9KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] cnmaiqbsql

西安二手网非官方SQL版 用户名:cnmai 密码:cnmai
Xi an second-hand net unofficial SQL Edition Username: cnmai Password: cnmai (2016-03-25, HTML, 647KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] MySQL-CanKaoShouCe-cn

MySQL中文参考手册 MySQL-CanKaoShouCe-cn
Chinese MySQL reference manual (2009-05-10, HTML, 470KB, 下载1次)
