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[移动互联网开发] video-streaming

Immerse yourself in a world of entertainment with our cutting-edge video streaming app. Access a vast library of movies, TV shows, and exclusive content, available at your fingertips. Enjoy seamless streaming, high-definition quality, and personalized recommendations, all in one convenient platform. Dive into a captivating cinematic experience. (2023-02-10, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[移动互联网开发] 163music-Source-master

总结,源码很多地方用到了-webkit-box属性,但是这个属性在不同的机子上支持不一样,还应该继续做好很多兼容性的东西。css动画在android不同的机子下面可能会出现抖动,没有ios的流畅,这个问题我也还在研究中,大家谁有更好的解决方法可以相互交流一下, 基于APICloud平台的源码
n summary, the - WebKit - box attribute is used in many places in the source code, but it is supported differently on different machines, and a lot of compatibility should continue to be done. CSS animation under different Android machines may jitter, no IOS fluency, this problem I am still studying, everyone who has a better solution can communicate with each other, Source code based on APICloud platform (2018-10-02, HTML, 3886KB, 下载0次)


[移动互联网开发] cloudmusic-gh-pages

Copy the NetEase cloud music player web page, using the JQ framework and native JS (2018-03-27, HTML, 3731KB, 下载3次)


[移动互联网开发] 官网展示类模版

The current popular WeChat small program hotel is scheduled to be used as a template for reference and not to be used in business. (2018-03-20, HTML, 437KB, 下载5次)


[移动互联网开发] pages

The H5 interface of the official network display class (2018-03-20, HTML, 4364KB, 下载5次)
