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[多国语言处理] seadog-installer

对于垂直搜索引擎来说,网络蜘蛛是非常重要的,因为在垂直搜索领域,数据的收集工作都是由蜘蛛程序来完成的。垂直搜索引擎除了要设计蜘蛛程序外,还要管理这些蜘蛛程序的运行,这是比较复杂的工作。如果缺乏一套有效的管手段,那么垂直搜索引擎将面临一场恶梦。   然而幸运的是,我们有了海蛛--这个领先的垂直搜索专用网络蜘蛛系统。有了海蛛,垂直搜索更简单!使用了海蛛,一切变得有条不紊,变得简单起来。
The vertical search engine for Web Spider is very important, because in the field of vertical search, data collection procedures are done by the spider to be completed. Vertical search engine spiders in addition to the design process, but also the management of these spider operation, this is a relatively complex task. If the lack of an effective management tool, then the vertical search engine will face a nightmare. Fortunately, however, we have the sea spider- a leading provider of vertical search spiders private network system. With the sea spider, vertical search simpler! The use of the sea spider, everything has become organized, easier. (2009-01-17, HTML, 16402KB, 下载127次)
