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[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] temp_alarm

程序为温度报警系统,功能如下: 1. 显示当前时间和温度,时间显示采用实时时钟,掉电后时钟继续工作; 2. 可以通过外部键盘设置温度的上限值和下限值,温度超过上限值和下限值分别报警,并有声光指示; 3. 报警后记录当前温度和时间,并保存到EEPROM,每5分钟最多报警一次,报警记录要求能够查询;
Procedures for the temperature alarm system, functions as follows: 1. Displays the current time and temperature, time display real-time clock, the clock continues to operate after power 2 external keyboard can set the temperature of the upper limit and lower limit, the temperature exceeds the upper alarm limit and lower limit, respectively, and a sound and light indication 3 alarm record the current temperature and time, and saved to EEPROM, once every 5 minutes up to an alarm, the alarm recording requires the ability to query (2013-08-20, Asm, 7KB, 下载5次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] ethern

this Verilog code is used to achieve the Ethernet interface, in this done on the basis of changes as a general Ethernet interface development. (2006-06-05, Asm, 121KB, 下载127次)
