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[OA办公系统] 761

基于SSM+SpringBoot+MySQL+ElementUI的OA协同办公系统(毕业设计),基于SSM+SpringBoot+MySQL+ElementUI的OA协同办公系统,分为管理员,人事,技术主管,后勤,开发,测试等多种角色,自定义角色菜单,源码乐园专注提供优质源码,访问地址http://code51.cn,整体功能包含角色权限管理,菜单权限管理,数据字典管理,系统配置,后勤管理,宿舍管理,宿舍组件,资产管理,地区档案,品类管理,水电费管理等。 (2024-06-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Atlas-metaverse-

您好,我是Atlas Metaverse的首席执行官Fyalda Oviel,也是该项目的负责人。我们想宣布,我们有兴趣与伟大的创造性思维合作,为web3世界带来革命性的东西,我可以简单地说,这个项目确实是我们的祖父们想象的未来。加入我们。
Hello, this is Fyalda Oviel the ceo of Atlas Metaverse, also the head of this project . We would like to announce our interest of working and collaborating with great and creative mind to bring something revolutionary to the web3 world, and i can briefly say that this project is indeed the future that our grandfathers imagined. Join us. (2024-05-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] ExcellentEnchants_CN

由 Github Copilot 翻译的 ExcellentEnchants 全配置文件
ExcellentEnchants full configuration file translated by Github Copilot (2024-04-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] reid

平台,Telegram:[@abc362](https: github.com abc362),代刷,卡盟网,qq,文案,网站,快手,分站,辅助,卡密,刷钻平台 #会员 #卡盟刷钻 #车展 Platform, agent brushing, card alliance network, qq, copywriting, webs...
Platform, Telegram: [@ abc362] (https: github. com abc362), agent brushing, Carmeng, qq, copywriting, website, express, branch, auxiliary, Carmeng, diamond brushing platform # member # Carmeng diamond brushing # auto show platform, agent brushing, card alliance network, qq, copywriting, web (2023-11-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Taller-3

Taller-3 de Estadística y Probabilidad I,II y III en UCundinamarca|I:Descubre el Poder de los Datos-II:Dominando las Técn...,
Taller-3 de Estadística y Probabilidad I, II y III ?? en UCundinamarca ???? | I: Descubre el Poder de los Datos ????? - II: Dominando las Técnicas Cuantitativas, Cualitativas y Gráficas ?? - III: Siendo un analista de datos ?? (2023-10-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] uTools-Manuals-Markdown

utools程序员手册-markdown中文,取自[https: github.com mzlogin chinese-copywriting- guidelines、https: github.com riku Markdown-S...](https: github.com mzlogin chinese- copywriting-guidelines%E3%80%81https: github.com riku Markdown-Syntax-CN)
Utools Programmer s Manual - markdown Chinese, taken from [https: github.com mzlogin chinese copywriting - guidelines, https: github.com riku Markdown-S...] (https: github.com mzlogin chinese - copywriting guidelines% E3% 80% 81https: github.com riku Markdown-Syntax CN) (2020-07-08, Others, 62KB, 下载0次)
