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按分类查找All MySQL数据库(10) 
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[MySQL数据库] Mindchat

Mindchat is a chat software developed by Xiaojindou (Junior 3). The programming language is Python. If you are interested in MySQL, you can deploy it yourself. The IP uses the peanut shell intranet penetration technology to ensure that anyone can connect to the server. You can also directly open the exe file and configure it according to README.md, but the server is not open for much time, so it will not be connected. Sorry. (2024-06-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] mysql-shell-doc-cn-by-chatgpt

mysql shell doc cn by chatgpt
mysql shell doc cn by chatgpt (2024-03-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] mysql-ref-cn-by-chatgpt

mysql ref cn by chatgpt (2023-12-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] PHP-interview-myway

Record PHP interviews, including computer networks, operating systems, PHP, Redis, and MySQL databases (starting from December 2019). Interviewed with TAL, who to learn from, Headlines, Geek Insurance, Baidu Wenku, Baidu Zhizhi, and other companies. Continuously updating (2022-12-27, Others, 2316KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] awesome-mysql-cn

MySQL 资源大全中文版,分析工具、备份、性能测试、配置、部署、GUI 等
Chinese version of MySQL resource encyclopedia, analysis tools, backup, performance testing, configuration, deployment, GUI, etc (2022-06-27, Others, 5KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Mysql_cn

The Mysql Chinese Reference Manual..................... (2012-08-10, Others, 846KB, 下载2次)


[MySQL数据库] mysql_database

(数据库)mysql数据库的使用教程,详细介绍了MySQL的基本概念、基本技巧、编程方法、管理特点,以及第三方工具(如PHP和Perl)的使用方法。本书还提供了大量与MySQL有关的因特网站点,以及获得MySQL的技术支持方法。 本书适合数据库、网络开发与管理等人员参考。
The mysql database (the database) using the tutorial, detailing MySQL s basic concepts, basic techniques, programming methods, management features, as well as third-party tools (such as PHP and Perl) to use. The book also provides a large number of Internet sites with MySQL, and MySQL technical support. The book is suitable for the database, network development and management staff reference. (2012-05-08, Others, 20340KB, 下载28次)


[MySQL数据库] mysql_reference_manual_cn

MySQL 中文帮助mysql_reference_manual_cn
MySQL Chinese help mysql_reference_manual_cn (2008-10-27, Others, 444KB, 下载3次)


[MySQL数据库] mysql_cn

mysql documentation, help you use good mysql (2007-02-13, Others, 444KB, 下载16次)


[MySQL数据库] mysql_reference_manual_cn

MySQL是一个精巧的SQL数据库管理系统,虽然它不是开放源代码的产品,但在某些情况下你可以自由使用。由于它的强大功能、灵活性、丰富的应用编程接口(API)以及精巧的系统结构,受到了广大自由软件爱好者甚至是商业软件用户的青睐,特别是与Apache和PHP/PERL结合,为建立基于数据库的动态网站提供了强大动力。 MySQL有瑞典的T.c.X公司负责开发和维护,MySQL的用户手册很单纯,只有一个集中的<MySQL Reference Manual>,但其内容覆盖了MySQL的所有信息,因此该手册是了解和掌握MySQL的绝佳文献。 虽然对MySQL的开发不能出一份力,但可为它的推广使用尽一份心,面对500多页的参考手册,知道要精确译出它决非易事,但愿几个月的心血能为大家提供一丝微薄的帮助。 由于本人水平有限,文中肯定有不准确的地方,敬请在阅读过程中不吝指出。文中不明之处,请参阅手册原文。 本文的内容针对MySQL 3.23.7alpla,实际上很多内容是通用的。另外,参考手册的几个附录也是很有价值的,但由于时间有限,未能译出,可参见原文。
MySQL is a sophisticated SQL database management systems, While it is not open source products, but in some cases you can freely use. Because of its strong capabilities, flexibility, rich application programming interface (API) and the elegance of the structure, by the vast number of free software enthusiasts even commercial software users favored especially with Apache and PHP/PERL combination for the establishment of the dynamic database-based web site provided a powerful impetus. MySQL Sweden T.c.X the company responsible for the development and maintenance of the MySQL user manual is very simple, Only a concentration of (2006-10-24, Others, 444KB, 下载172次)
