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本书里的信息将使你成为一个更好的STL程序员,它将让你成为一个更高产的程序员。而且它将让你成为一个更愉快的 程序员,使用STL很有趣,但是有效地使用它更为有趣,这种有趣是它们必须把你拽离键盘,因为你不能相信你争拥有 的好时光。即使对STL的匆匆一瞥也能发现它是一个非常酷的库,但这份酷比你可能想象的更宽更深。我在本书的一个 主要目标是传达给你这个库有多神奇,因为在我编程的差不多30年里,我从未见过任何像STL的东西。你或许也没有。
The information in this book will enable you to become a better programmer STL, which will let you become a more productive programmers. And it will let you become a more enjoyable, programmers, use STL very interesting, but the effective use of it more interesting, the interesting is that they need to pull you away from the keyboard, because you can not believe you have a good time for. Even if the glance of the STL can be found that it is a very cool library, but the cool than you might imagine a wider deeper. In my book, a major goal is to convey to you how fantastic this library, because in my programming almost 30 years, I have never seen any thing like the STL. Maybe you did not. (2009-01-09, Others, 604KB, 下载9次)
