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按平台查找All VFP(18) 

[其他数据库] VFP示例

WeChat Alipay example (2020-11-18, VFP, 8872KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 8931825

这是GATS的应用文章,《基于GATS算法的城市交通网优化问题研究》,望您批准! (2018-07-06, VFP, 28KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] locksoft

Using VFP to write a small attendance system, read treasure Schindler electronic lock system hardware data (2017-11-08, VFP, 601KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 网吧会员管理

Concise management of Internet cafes membership system (2017-06-23, VFP, 110KB, 下载4次)


[百货/超市行业] xsgl

You can use this to go shopping at home,and someone use this for supermarket. (2016-05-04, VFP, 5869KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] yyclub

主要是对社区形式和版面作了较大的调整,目的就是为了满足需要建立真正社区的朋友的需要。 1、修改自动网先锋论坛6.0,本社区已经打上SP1/SP2以及最新的补丁包,基本上符合安全的要求[相对] 2、增加了虚拟形象2.5插件
Mainly for the community in the form and layout made big adjustment, the purpose is to meet the needs of the community to establish a true friend needs. 1, modified 6.0 Network Pioneer forum, this community has been marked SP1/SP2 and the latest patch, substantially in line with safety requirements [relative] 2, an increase of 2.5 widget avatar (2016-03-08, VFP, 1916KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] ziwangjisuanqi

子网计算器的功能: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 用户的IP地址和子网掩码 2 确定IP Address类,以及私人和保留的地址空间。 3 显示二进制表示的IP和子网掩码,堆放 4 显示了网络ID 5 显示了网络增量值 6 显示可用的每个子网的主机地址 7 显示每个子网的可用主机数量 8 显示了每个可用子网IP类
Features of Subnet Calculator: a.) Take a user IP Address and Subnet Mask b.) Determine IP Address Class, as well as Private and Reserved address spaces. c.) Shows Binary representation of both IP and Subnet Mask, stacked d.) Shows the Network ID e.) Shows the Network Increment value f.) Shows usable host addresses for each subnet g.) Shows amount of usable hosts per subnet h.) Shows amount of subnets available for that each IP Class (2015-09-16, VFP, 3KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 969

Just a sample program to use vfp project manager and to implement forms based on a inventory management
Just a sample program to use vfp project manager and to implement forms based on a inventory management (2012-12-27, VFP, 17KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Course-design

This goal is to create a large pet products online consumer community, will provide customers with information to read, buy products, interactive entertainment, discussions and exchange of services. (2011-11-08, VFP, 3072KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] Cat_DatetimePicker

*!******************************************************* * 项目名称: VFP s DatetimePicker * 项目版本: * 国 家: China * 作 者: 施凌峰 * 创建日期: * 更新日期: 2008-09-22 * Email : ydks@pub1.qz.fj.cn * CAT Products: http://xykjsoft.blog.163.com * 测试环境: Win2000 Advanced Server, WinXP Home, Win2003 * Chinese version of Vfp9sp2, Vfp6sp5 *!*******************************************************
*!******************************************************* * 项目名称: VFP s DatetimePicker * 项目版本: * 国 家: China * 作 者: 施凌峰 * 创建日期: * 更新日期: 2008-09-22 * Email : ydks@pub1.qz.fj.cn * CAT Products: http://xykjsoft.blog.163.com * 测试环境: Win2000 Advanced Server, WinXP Home, Win2003 * Chinese version of Vfp9sp2, Vfp6sp5 *!******************************************************* (2011-06-12, VFP, 166KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] IP

查询本机公网IP查询本机公网IP查询本机公网IP (2009-12-27, VFP, 5KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] jgks$

驾驶证科目一考试系统 1.管理端各用户的密码已清空 2.考试端运行ks.exe,输入考号111,显示考生为“程序员联合开发网”,输入开考口令88 开始交规考试 3.源码在prog目录中 4.主要功能是 4.1 交规在线考试,管理端能实时获知各考试端的实时成绩 4.2 管理端能够把某考试端踢出或强制交卷或延时交卷或自动答题 4.3 管理端能够把全部考试端电脑关机或重启 4.4 考试端运行一次后将设置为自身自动开机加载,可以手工删除启动组的自动图标 4.5 考试端应用了winapi封锁了任务档和开始菜单  4.6 考试端能仅用键盘或仅用鼠标答题 5.考试后管理端点击成绩上传将存入交警总队的oracle数据库,为了保秘,已经删除了oracle连接串的数据库名和密码,所以在该版本中,点击上传将返回连接oracle数据库失败的提示。 6.系统口令为11111111,帮助考生自动答题的口令为动态口令,由(年+月+日)*某常量。管理端对某考试端执行该口令后,该考生随机获得92分至97分的成绩。 该软件已是成熟商业软件,已成功在二十多个县市使用,一字不改的侵权行为将受到起诉。
err (2008-07-20, VFP, 23869KB, 下载32次)


[酒店行业] ic-k

酒店IC卡 餐饮娱乐管理系统源代码使用说明
Dining Entertainment hotel IC card management system source code for use (2007-12-09, VFP, 2903KB, 下载14次)


[书籍源码] VF123

您现在使用的软件或注册器,由本站整理收集!欢迎访问我们网站║  ║我们网站包括:国产软件注册,各类软件注册码,注册器,跟踪调║   ║试工具,各类破解实例,精品软件推介!我们所有资料软件皆从网║  ║上收集整理而来,并非本站作品,而且都注明了出处!仅限参考、║   ║教学与个人使用交流!请勿用于商业目的,本站不对你的使用负任║  ║何责任!如果你想使用我们收集的软件破解,必须先同意这个协议
You can now use the software or registration, and by finishing the collection site! Welcome to our website our website ║ ║ include: China-made software to register all types of software code, registration, and tracking test tune ║ ║ tools, examples of various types of crack, software products to promote! We have all the information the software from the network on ║ ║ collected from this site does not work, but will state that the source! Reference only, ║ ║ exchange of teaching and personal use! Do not be used for commercial purposes, your use of this site does not bear any responsibility ║ ║ Ho! If you want to use our software to crack the collection, they must first agree to this agreement (2007-11-07, VFP, 277KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] kufang

Probe prepared by the Treasury Management System, including the only storage, warehousing, a personal card management tools and entertainment system passwords 1234 (2006-12-01, VFP, 393KB, 下载27次)


[数据库编程] wangmeng.cn_cjx

Invoicing Management System (VF) This is done with VF cargo management system, is my big two of curriculum design, Because of limited capacity, please exhibitions (2006-06-27, VFP, 298KB, 下载29次)


[教育系统应用] zgj

很买力的作乐 为了换咱网长的下载权限 又是个毕业设计
very good time to buy the power to change our own net long download competence is also a graduate design (2006-04-06, VFP, 897KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] 益虫在线

用VFP编的,利用网吧2000机子共享漏洞写的,查找网吧内使用QQ号的程序。呵,用VFP也可写黑客程序啊。源代码自己分析 。这个站真烦人,要传这么多代码,还不让人下载。不传了。
VFP series, the use of Internet cafes 2000 loopholes in the machine sharing the writing that you use Internet cafes within 737 procedures. Uh, VFP hackers can write procedures ah. Their analysis of the source code. The station is really annoying, so much to pass code, not people downloading. The heirs. (2005-10-04, VFP, 13KB, 下载7次)
