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[WEB开发] yyclub

主要是对社区形式和版面作了较大的调整,目的就是为了满足需要建立真正社区的朋友的需要。 1、修改自动网先锋论坛6.0,本社区已经打上SP1/SP2以及最新的补丁包,基本上符合安全的要求[相对] 2、增加了虚拟形象2.5插件
Mainly for the community in the form and layout made big adjustment, the purpose is to meet the needs of the community to establish a true friend needs. 1, modified 6.0 Network Pioneer forum, this community has been marked SP1/SP2 and the latest patch, substantially in line with safety requirements [relative] 2, an increase of 2.5 widget avatar (2016-03-08, VFP, 1916KB, 下载1次)
