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[行业发展研究] dishui

网上报税系统利用Internet的网络资源,采用了J2EE的三层应用架构及内外网物 理交换技术,将大连地税的内部核心征管系统与纳税人的个人计算机系统、银行系统连 接,实现了税收业务的网上操作及流转。
11蝣On-Line Tax Declaration&Paying System is based on the three—layer frame of J2EE and USeS inner and outer network physical exchange technology.The information system of Dalian Local Taxation Bureau is connected to taxpayers’personal computers and the bank computer system.So the tax collection canbe operated on the web. (2009-11-02, SQL, 3016KB, 下载50次)
