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[游戏] Burp抓包使用详解

Self test, self server, looking for code, for entertainment (2020-08-01, SQL, 439KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] ei_20061128

cdna caksdmcppm camspcmpm ac acacs (2018-06-26, SQL, 605KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] Game-manager-settings-

RF游戏管理员GM设置数据库说明。 RF游戏管理员不是以账号为目标设定,而是以账号登录过游戏当时登录游戏的IP设定该账号为管理员,并且在设置该账号为GM之后,该账号的所有已存在角色或日后新建角色均为游戏最高管理员,并且该GM账号下的任何角色都可以在游戏线上通过输入游戏指令颁发其他玩家为次管理员和观察员,已经各种GM管理命令。 在建立管理员账号之前请将预设定的管理员账号登录一次游戏以上,并且记录下登录游戏当时的外网IP地址,再用该IP通过本教程文件说明在RF数据库相关表列设置GM账号。
RF game administrator GM set description. RF game administrator not to account for the target setting, but in the game when the game account login login IP set the account for the administrator, and after setting up the account for GM, the account of all existing roles or days after the new role was the highest game administrator, and any part of the GM account under can in the game online game instructions issued by entering the other game player for administrators and observers, has a variety of GM management commands. Before the establishment of the administrator account please above the preset administrator account login in a game, and record the log IP addresses at the time, and then the IP through this tutorial files in the RF table column set GM account. (2016-10-05, SQL, 2KB, 下载4次)
