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[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] circutofcommunication

Communication electronic circuits of the classical teaching materials, network fees it is about to run out of blood sacrifice, thank you (2009-06-30, PDF, 12300KB, 下载15次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] networkofcommunication

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is the classic cattle mediated communication network theory courseware, allows you to network in a short time to grasp the main points (2008-06-25, PDF, 2516KB, 下载56次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] 基于可复用构件的DCS组态软件研究与设计

论文题目:基于可复用构件的DCS组态软件研究与设计 该文首先从工控组态软件的分析和设计方法着手,提出了基于可复用构件的工控组态软件的设计思想,并分析了可复用构件及其开发和组装方法,重点研究COM/DCOM技术.为了增强通用性、可复用性、可扩展性和开放性,该文在分析了DCS领域特性和组态软件的基础上,提出了统一接口的多层构件体系结构.该文探讨了系统数据的组织和存储结构,开发了通用数据访问构件 针对DCS组态软件的多种通信方式导致的不一致性,提出了通信代理和协议适配器两层通信构件结构,并设计了统一的调用接口 采用ActiveX控件技术设计和实现流程图及趋势图,并利用分布式对象技术探讨远程访问问题,提出了基于Web的工业数据实时发布的解决方案.最后,论文介绍DCS组态软件在热网监控系统项目实践中的应用,该系统经过组态后生成,运行稳定可靠,取得了良好的经济效益.
Thesis topic : Based on reusable component of DCS configuration software research and design of the first text Configuration software analysis and design methods to hand made based on reusable components Configuration software design, analysis of reusable components and the development and assembly methods focus on COM/DCOM technology. To increase versatility, reusability, scalability and openness, This paper analyzes the characteristics of the area and DCS configuration software on the basis of the interface component of a multi-storey structure. this paper discusses the organization and data storage structures, the development of Universal Data Access Component software DCS against the multiple forms of communication led to inconsistencies, the communications agents and the communicati (2006-02-01, PDF, 3084KB, 下载112次)
