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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(4) 
按平台查找All JavaScript(4) 

[图形图像处理] JobSift_Web

JobSift Web (2024-02-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Image-zoom-effect-web

made for fun and practice. simply replicating the image zoom effect seen in some websites like Amazon and ... (2023-08-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Trident

Trident is a high quality, friendly, multi-purpose entertainment bot. With many features such as but not only meme images, image manipulation, moderation, and music! We support Youtube, Twitch, Soundcloud and more! (2019-10-05, JavaScript, 15KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] LilyEnhancementScript-master

南京大学小百合论坛增强脚本,包含功能: 1.显示性别 显示为 (男生/女生/赛亚人) 赛亚人表示无法识别 仅供参考 2.显示地址 会显示发帖人的地址 需要外网访问! 3.追踪用户发言 在当前页面内 用红色框标注某个用户发的帖子,默认跟踪楼主,特别适合看G版的各种苦情贴。。。 4.帖子折叠 单击右边的 楼层号 就可以将此楼折叠/展开
Enhanced script for BBS of Nanjing University contains functions: 1 show gender shown as (boys/girls/Saiyan) Saiyan said it could not identify 2 shows the address of the poster. it will be displayed outside the network access . 3 track user to speak at the current page a user made a post marked with a red box, the default trace the landlord, see G version is particularly suitable for a variety of affliction stickers. . . 4 posts fold-click the right number of stories you can fold this floor/expand (2013-12-12, JavaScript, 1322KB, 下载1次)
