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[视频捕捉采集剪辑] jzltb_gx_1.6

Clivia Dominate (funny version) is a set of text, pictures, video, self-published in one of the interactive, entertainment, funny internet, there is the theme with posts like, dislike, comment full functionality. (2016-05-09, ASP, 6743KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] tgbTV

推广宝电视直播系统是一款非常实用的收看网络电视系统,更重要的,它是完全免费开源的,没有任何功能限制。 在线实时收看数百个国内外精彩电视频道的节目及电台广播节目. 简便的操作,您只需选择便可观看、收听节目; 绿色软件;体积小,速度快,占用资源少!操作更简便!
Promotion Po television broadcast system is a very useful watch network television systems and, more importantly, it is completely free and open source, without any functional limitations. Online real-time viewing of hundreds of domestic and international programs and radio broadcasts exciting TV channels. Simple operation, you can simply choose to watch, listen to programs Green software small size, high speed, small footprint! Easier to use! (2016-05-05, ASP, 817KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] jpjxw

木鸟飞年度力作 沉寂了大半年,再次重现网络江湖,特此奉此经典新作:精品教学网2010版,以新云为内核,在保留全部功能的基础上增加了视频频道,附带8000条数据,多条采集代码,新手上传即可使用
Annual masterpiece wooden bird flew six months of silence, the network of rivers and lakes to reproduce again, is hereby Fengci classic new work: teaching quality halftone 2010, a new cloud core, while retaining all of the features on the increase in video channels, with 8000 data , a number of acquisition code, a novice can use to upload (2016-04-28, ASP, 6652KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] t002-51Rebate-nets-video

t002-51返利网视频调试教程 t002-51返利网视频调试教程.
t002-51 rebate network video tutorial t002-51 debug network video rebate debugging tutorial. (2011-07-20, ASP, 32810KB, 下载5次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 409900vod

秀山在线影院本程序授权普通用户免费使用.适用范围:远程教育\视频点播\视频教育\音乐欣赏等 如果您做为商业用途,请支持程序的发展购买商业版系统.您将获得更加完善的服务. 本次发布的版本为正式完美版本 支持直接开REAL播放插件。
Xiushan online theater ordinary users of the procedures authorized use free of charge. Scope: distance education video education video-on-demand music and other commercial purposes as if you, please support the development of procedures to purchase commercial version of the system. You will receive more complete service. The release as an official version of the perfect support for REAL Player plug-ins directly. (2008-01-03, ASP, 9334KB, 下载51次)
