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[文件操作] 39health

软件介绍 39健康网小偷 只需一个文件 放到任意目录下可用。里面的广告我没有去除,有使用的站长朋友欢迎到我的小站交流。
Software introduction 39 Health Network thieves just a file in any directory can be used. I have no inside advertising removal, use the webmaster friends welcome to my station exchange. (2015-12-03, ASP, 3KB, 下载1次)


[文件操作] purchseV7.3

支持商品批量增加、批量修改功能,所有商品可一次修改完成,特别方便! 支持7种在线支付:北京网银、NPS、快钱、贝宝、云网、支付宝、财付通接口。 商品数据可直接导入Excel 电子表格! 删除商品的同时,可以自动删除商品图片,大大节约空间!
Supporting merchandise volume increased, bulk editing, all merchandise can be a modified finish, especially Convenience! Supporting seven kinds of online payment: Beijing Net Silver, NPS, quick money, PayPal, cloud Net, AliPay, money to pay Qualcomm interface. Merchandise data can be directly into Excel spreadsheets! Delete merchandise at the same time, it will automatically delete merchandise picture, greatly saving space! (2009-03-23, ASP, 3735KB, 下载15次)


[文件操作] lishi

history today (complete search version), only to extract folders can be arbitrary. Specific demonstration see : http://www.2942.cn/lishi (2006-05-14, ASP, 55KB, 下载7次)
