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[加密解密] md5

hmac-md5改进版(支持中文) 易宝采用hmac-md5加密,目前纯ASP版的都不支持中文,为此专门做了改进。代码大为简化,从17K精简到9K。 调用方法:HmacMd5(text,key)-加密内容支持中文,但key最好用非中文的。 md5(text)-简版,ASP_MD5(text)-标准版
improved version hmac-md5 (support Chinese) Epro hmac-md5 encrypted using the current version do not support ASP pure Chinese, has been improved for this purpose. Code is greatly simplified, streamlined from 17K to 9K. Call the method: HmacMd5 (text, key)- encrypted content to support Chinese, but the key is best to use non-Chinese. md5 (text)- simple version, ASP_MD5 (text)- Standard Edition (2011-11-11, ASP, 4KB, 下载58次)


[加密解密] weixing

为了保证数字信号与所传信息的安全,防止无权用户干扰和窃密,一般应采取加密措施。数字信号比起模拟信号来易于加密,且效果也好,这是数字通信突’ 出的优点之一。国内的网间隔离安全设备(如防火墙等)产品较多,但服务器的安全和与之通信的客户的安全更为重要,服务器和客户端的软件应具有信息加解密、身份认证、访问控制、信息完整性和抗否认性验证等内容
To ensure the digital signal and the transmission of information security, right to the user interference and theft prevention, general measures should be taken to encryption. Than analog signals to digital signals easy encryption, and the results Ye Hao, digital communication is suddenly ' out of one of the advantages. A gateway to isolate the domestic security devices (firewalls, etc.) more products, but the server communicate with the security and safety is more important to customers, the server and client software should have the information encryption and decryption, authentication, access control, information Anti-denial of the integrity and authentication, etc. (2011-05-06, ASP, 121KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] Md6

用于包括中文在内的信息加密 淘宝支付宝 应用借口 加密代码
Used to encrypt information including Chinese Application Taobao Alipay excuse encryption code (2010-05-11, ASP, 6KB, 下载11次)
